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Reasons to Live

@lee buddy pls dont joke around with this shit. As someone who has lost friends to suicide its not funny. Your life isnt that bad that you need to kill yourself THIS COMING FROM ME and im 100% sure my life is 10x times worse than yours. All i see this as is attention seeking, cuz my friend just out right killed herself. She never let anyone know what was wrong. If you need help then we can help you but dont joke around with death there are thousands of people who would take ur spot in an instant and not care. Alot of people never eveb get a choice to live or die. Instead of focusing on bad shit try to do better for yourself
Jul 29, 19 at 10:07pm
Sorry. Sorry for everybody who has been affected by this stuff. I am not joking. I need help but I don't think anything can help at this point. I am alone and will always be alone in my life and nobody can help with that. I am undesirable
Jul 29, 19 at 10:08pm
Getting hopes up and thinking something will work out on my end just isn't realistic and just makes me hate myself even more. Sorry.
If its bullying, loneliness, feeling worthless whatever it is. Forget about it, its not worth half ur time. Find things to occupy yourself. Set a goal, try new things. I promise you i have been through worse. At one point i wanted to die, but at the same time i was scared to. Im sure you feel the same way, if you truly wanted to die nothing is stopping you. Im not egging you on or calling you a pussy but really dude ur too young for this. It gets better tbh
Jul 29, 19 at 10:10pm
Lonelyness and feeling worthless and like a bad person and how I think is bad. I have mental issues. And I don't know what to do
Jul 29, 19 at 10:11pm
I keep thinking I find people who want to help or care but I end up just driving them away and I don't deserve anybody's attention. I am undesirable
Try thinking about what you want out of life and try to do what you can to make it happen. You were born alone and you will die alone. You dont need to depend on someone inbetween. Just focus on your life and someone will come. And everyone has a purpose you just gotta find it
Jul 29, 19 at 10:13pm
It gets better. Chances are, you are being driven by hormones right now. As you get older they simmer down. Depression might rear its head from time to time, but every time it does and you snap back from it, it gets easier. You learn how to cope better with time and experience.
Jul 29, 19 at 10:13pm
Lee, A self defeatist attitude is worse than anything. You're making self fulfilling prophecies. I get it, you're depressed, you're lonely and you have "issues". Guess what? You're not alone and you know that it's a lie to say otherwise. Sure, things may currently suck, but you truly do have the power to change that. Will things be perfect? Life doesn't guarantee that. Will you find love? Again, life doesn't guarantee that. But, you can change your out look on things. Positive thinking is a powerful tool. I'd like you to name atleast one positive attribute about yourself and if you say there are none, I'm calling bullshit. Ball's in your court.
Jul 29, 19 at 10:14pm
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