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tell me fucked up things

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Feb 19, 20 at 9:28am
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Inb4 them getting you to get to some chiropractor... or how they are called i mean those guys who bent you body and stuff. Have fun xD
"Clinical Studies" is a fancy term for human experimentation.
if you can artificially produce multiple personalities in a human you can recycle the same person through the same psychological test and get different results....wonder if its cheaper this way...than hiring alot of people
Feb 19, 20 at 11:26am
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EDIT: Between 2012 and 2018, my father and stepmother put me on medications for my sleep-depriving caused by their decision to put me in a college they recommended that was not-so good to me even putting me into nightshift due to very few daytime classes available while even causing my father to unnecessarily fuss at me too far. And since then, it even nearly killed my passion in gaming they (and even the one who got me into it, my big sister), both refer to it as for childish, irresponsible and immature people that is a waste of time and money. The only thing that saved it was video game music. It helps me with my everyday living. But even with that, some say from "synthesizer" to "Star Wars" (John Williams) sarcastic opinions. Returning to gaming scares me because of being too alert of most important things in life even when it's not time yet. I wonder what their thoughts are to these posts? https://www.quora.com/Is-playing-video-games-immature
When I learned my ex girlfriend cheated on me I brought her to my house just to pop out of the corner with a paintball gun in each hand and light her up with well over 200 paintballs.
Yeah, that sure is a fucked up thing to do.
SOMEHOW didn't get in trouble. I was also only 16 at the time I've matured greatly since then. Everytime I look back at myself before being 21 I'm shocked I never got arrested
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