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what?? no i thought u said like f**** me without consent is also rape
Jun 27, 19 at 2:42am
Easy answer yes. But in my case I don't know what to call it. A coworker of mine came over my pad one night to have a couple drinks. I just got home from work and I knew something felt off about her. Her, myself, and my roommate were chatting on our balcony over a beer and the topic of sex came up. She then proceeded to coax a threesome out of us. The thing was, she was married. And I knew her husband, he was a good man didn't deserve that sht. Both me and my roommate reluctantly kept saying No, but she kept pushing it. She went inside to use the bathroom. My roommate and I stayed outside and discussed what the fuck was happening right now. We both agreed this isn't right and that this shit would haunt us forever. But a few moments later, she's in our living room naked. She grabbed my hand and...wait can I tell this story here? Confirmation anyone before I go any further is this forum pg-13 or rated M for mature? Anyway, it took her being naked and volleys of pressure from her (and from my own mind) for me and my roommate to catch a moment of weakness. Now is this considered rape if someone is unwilling, yet gets caught in a moment of weakness?
The CDC says almost 1/5 females have suffered at least attempted rape in their lifetime, while males have a MUCH lower probability at 1/71. It obviously does happen, but it isn't as big of a problem, and won't get as much media attention.
Jun 27, 19 at 2:49am
I don't think it will ever be a big problem. Also, despite what happened to me, I realize this was a niche situation that doesnt always happen to a male. It's like were taught in school we have 10 fingers 10 toes. Even though there are people born with 11, we don't say that part, we just say we have 10 fingers and 10 toes. I know a lot of us men like to point this subject out, but I think blowing it up would turn this into a bigger problem with the media feeding us garbage.
Yes, they can but most people don't acknowledge this. I heard of a case where a boy got assaulted by 3 girls and nobody did anything except laugh at him or say that he must have done something to them. And honestly this is sick and a stupid double standard, because first of all we are human, and humans have rights, gender should not be a reason to think less of someone who needs help. It shouldn't be at all.
darkness_anger u actually right, that is just a problem of gender and mostly poeple think and says that the male gender is dominant something like this there by mocking at a male which has been sexually assaulted by females
Note: I didnt read any other posts in this thread But yes a woman can rape a man and it happens all the time. Guys just never speak up about it. The reason being is cuz literally no one cares. The sad truth is when guys bring up being raped by a woman people look down on them, opposed to women who can literally ruin anyone's life just by hinting at rape. Its the ssme with domestic abuse guys get beat up on by their wife alot of times and people just laugh at them. But the minute they hit a woman everyone comes to the rescue. Edit: didnt cardi B admit to drugging men and having sex with them or something like that? No one has even tried to arrest her for it XD but look at bill cosby. Literally our society caters to women, guys are just thrown to the wolves
Jun 27, 19 at 3:20am
its not so much nobody cares about when a woman rapes a man, it has more to do with gender stereotypes remember the episode of southpark when kyle's little brother bangs his teacher? https://media.giphy.com/media/O2K7wIcw3CoeY/giphy.gif stereotypically men are the sexual aggressors, they want sex stereotypically women are sexually passive, and dont want/care for sex so if a man is raped, the mind set can be "how can a man be raped if he wanted it?" or "what a pussy, hes lucky!" its all a part of toxic masculinity in our culture rape is awful no matter the circumstance, race, age, gender, or creed
rape is rape regardless if you are male or female. Being forced to have sex with someone you dont want to is a experience not a pleasant thing and can scarr you for life.
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