
Johannes @yestotally
Johannes @yestotally
debate here! sorry if this was already a thread, but debate about serious stuff. real problems, things you think are problems, etc. this thread was made because people in other threads started ruining those threads!

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
(protip: you cant)

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
@lamby I respect your choice some of my friends and family are vegan and have tried to change me but they also respect my choice to eat meat and and I understand about the killing of animals is wrong cruel i got sick after watching kill it cool it eat it on farms. I feel bad for when I eat meat I don't eat alot but it's something I don't give up but I honestly feel bad for the animals

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
i refuse to debate my ka-san ;w;! unfair!

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
commented on
BZ Substitute @brasszombie,width=1200,height=630,appearanceId=2,backgroundColor=F2F2F2,modelId=85,crop=design,version=1542191997/cows-tasty-as-fuck-mens-premium-t-shirt.jpg

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
@lamby the debate will not ruin our relationship my precious daughter don't worry I'm peaceful about this debate

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
w0wy and just like that i lost the debate
iv been logically cornered, nice going brass >w>
(seriously though, and they say vegans are the preachy annoying ones xD)
i guess we could debate, but im pretty ruthless when it comes to this topic ;w; no matter what you have to stay my ka-san and not disown me >w>!

Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
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