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Femininity and Relationship Chemistry

I often wonder how much girls appreciate, tolerate, or dislike feminine males. Often times that's just how we are, but there's not a clear consensus as to if they find it cute or just weird. I don't usually think about this sort of stuff, but it did just pop into my head and got me curious. Just shows you how much I know about girls, since guys seem to approve of me more usually, lol. Anyone want to share some thoughts or give a clearer picture?
Dec 26, 18 at 12:52am
Girls love feminine guys... If they have muscles and are strong :V Jk..
From what I can gather (in general) they like feminine guys as friends, but want manly men for romantic partners. If a girl prefers feminine men as partners, then something is wrong, but let's let our female members share how they feel.
Feminine bois are cuter if they are intelligent and emotionally stable :D."Good-looking" guys(it depends..In East Asia, muscle isn't that important) will look feminine when they are skinny! I bet "mummy and mistress" prefer feminine guys/littles. https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/87d788b2ly1fwihlwp0jgj20ku0j0q5x.jpg
Heyyy, I'm pretty stable. Guess East Asia likes me. That's a helpful answer though, keeping things down to regional differences makes it a bit more relieving.
Dec 26, 18 at 1:08am
@beherit i dont agree with your line 'If a girl prefers feminine men as partners, then something is wrong' liking feminine men are a choice and everyone can have their own likes.. its like saying guys who like tomboyish women have something wrong with them :/
I didn't understand that either. There are girls who like small men and tall ones. It's not healthy to live in a black-and-white world like that, jeez.
No. There's a difference between a tomboy, a girl who's interested in things that normally interest men, and a masculine woman, a woman who looks and acts like a man. Plenty of dudes like the former, and have reservations for the latter.
Little boys as the meme describes aren't emotionally secure..to some extent, they are cute.but as time goes by, they will be annoying because they are clingy and dependent...Solitude and independance are important. https://wx3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/87d788b2gy1fyk62vf8wqj20b40ajq58.jpg
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