Your Gateway Anime?

Choco_latte @choco_latte
Your Gateway Anime?
Choco_latte @choco_latte
This might be a dead-end topic but, I'm curious what everyone's gateway anime was? A.K.A what was your first anime?
This can take on two meanings for example, theoretically my first anime was Dragon Ball but I didn't know what anime was at the time, and thought riceballs were doughnuts thanks to 4Kids(oof). But my first anime that I actually knew was anime and actually sought out to watch was Shugo Chara.

Whisp @whispywoods
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Your Gateway Anime?
Whisp @whispywoods
Yeah, I've mentioned this in a similar thread.
There a lot of candidates for my first anime, before even knowing what anime was, but I don't remember wich one was it. There was many shows running in the TV at the time.
But after knowing what anime was, the first one I watched was Naruto, watching it in youtube in all it's shitty quality glory.
"Naruto ep1 part 1/3 [HD]"

正義の味方 @gundamu
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Your Gateway Anime?
正義の味方 @gundamu
I'd say my gateway anime was probably Ranma 1/2, stumbled upon like some type of online stream that had season 1 on repeat. This was back in like 04 mind you so the quality was like 140p or something lmao
But yeah, I ended up falling in love and started seeking out other anime on the internet. Which is how I stumbled upon Naruto and later Bleach when the anime adaption for that started first airing.

EUGH @shimmy
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Your Gateway Anime?
EUGH @shimmy
Naruto was the first anime I watched when I was younger on toonami before I even knew about anime. I wouldnt say it got me interested in other anime, however when I was finishing the series of Naruto Shippuden I came across an anime that looked interesting which was Akame ga Kill..... the rest is history.

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Your Gateway Anime?
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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Your Gateway Anime?
judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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Lildiscordia @lildiscordia
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Your Gateway Anime?
Lildiscordia @lildiscordia
I believe it was Inuyasha and Gigantor when Adult swim aired their episodes back in 2005 or something.

ZombieKill55 @zk55
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Your Gateway Anime?
ZombieKill55 @zk55
I started with AoT from a friends recommendation and from there i just found my own way around, from DxD to ONS and stumbled upon the wonder that is the anime community

Lamby @momoichi
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Your Gateway Anime?
Lamby @momoichi
naruto was the first anime i REALLY got into, but before that was sailor moon and everything on toonami/adult swim
one of the earliest animes i remember was probz FLCL, space cowboy, inuyasha, evan, and samurai champloo (and some gundam on SCIFI's animonday but the anime on scifi was garbage anyways)

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Your Gateway Anime?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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