What time do you Mostly Sleep at?

Rain @rainx
commented on
What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
Rain @rainx
Generally 11p to 7a, although during the week when I work at 9a, I'll get up about 6a to make sure I get my workout in before work.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
Laffantion @laffantion
11 to 7 or 12 to 7 under the week and on the weekend depends how the week fucked me or when i got up.

fluffysaber @fluffysaber
commented on
What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
fluffysaber @fluffysaber
I don't even know anymore

unreal3002 @unreal3002
commented on
What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
unreal3002 @unreal3002
I have a five thousand dollar multi day sleep study this weekend, so I'm sure the doctors will be able to tell me what time bed time is for me after that (always a good idea to put faith in the American health care system).

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Mostly between 11AM till 8AMish. But the longest I stayed up was for 48 hours due to being very anxious of my father's actions on my stepsister's wedding that lasted that long. Others I met including my mother stayed up 72 hours.

Mai Bro @ragdeviii
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What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
Mai Bro @ragdeviii
Midnight on workdays and 2am days off

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Usually between 945pm to 11pm. Gotta get up for work at 545am a couple times a week, so my sleep schedule has been conforming to that.

Jaythesavage14 @jaythesavage14
commented on
What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
Jaythesavage14 @jaythesavage14
I usually sleep somewhere between 8-12 on school nights and 8pm-3am on weekends

KuroK @kurok
commented on
What time do you Mostly Sleep at?
KuroK @kurok
Depends on the day but usually i go to sleep around 5-6am and wake up around 9-10am. If i have the day off ill go to bed around 7-8am and sleep till like 12-1pmish. Some days less some more... depends on how tired i am
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