Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
@Dr. Kichigai: Well, maybe. Forgiving people is something I do, mostly because I tend to let things that aren't intentional slide too easily.
@CeriseRose: Hmm... Does Kat have ADD or ADHD? As someone who deals with that in spades, if she did, that would make sense, but if she didn't, then yeah. That's not showing a lot of importance on your interpersonal relationships. Like I forget to keep up with people at times, and could go for months without seeing my friends sometimes, but I at least can remember the people I have established bonds with. For those I've only been acquainted with, however? Uh, lets just say there's a lot of people in my friend list here that I don't remember.

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
What does ADD/ADHD have to do with anything?
You can have ADD and still just be a complete asswipe.
You can have Aids and be a rat bastard.
You can have sickle cell and still be a troll.
Don't even start to bring up mental disabilities into "that explains why she's like that".
She's an asswipe flake that did her best friend dirty. that doesn't need any further explanation. Stop looking for an excuse to explain shit behavior

Lildiscordia @lildiscordia
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Lildiscordia @lildiscordia
Yeah... Same thing happened to me. I enjoyed the con without her but the relationship fell apart after that.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Indeed you can. Its more that I'm noticing a common problem that people with ADD have trouble keeping up with.
"Oh, I was supposed to return a call to this person, not pet the cat."
"Oh, that's right. I need to pay this bill, before its too late."
"Oh crap, I just forgot what I was trying to say in the middle of my sentence."
That kinda stuff can pose a challenge, and puts a lot of strain on certain types of relationships. I've been there.
You're right though, I don't exactly look the other way when someone with borderline personality disorder destroys a friend's life, nor should a person with ADD be excused for being a crappy friend.

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
How do you trust someone after that? Regardless if it's a joke or an emergency. At least have the decency to say "hey, an emergency came up." Or something. Zero tolerance for that crap

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
People with shit personalities will blame their shitty behavior on anything. Including ADD/ADHD. It's like the KKK saying they are Christians.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Cool! I have a shitty personality when I'm off my meds! Well, anyways. I can say with conviction that people aren't absolutes, and I've seen zero tolerance fuck up more shit and stir up more drama than it has ever solved. But rather than argue with me about it (Because I really am not convinced either of us could change our minds here, no matter how confidently we could sell our words), just remember that we aren't making her choices for her.

Praxis @stazmae
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Praxis @stazmae
Firstly, I would like to apologise for this particular event that happened to you. I hope you find your answer(s) in this thread soon and I hope it helps.
First thing I would suggest is confront her about it. If you already have, I must've missed it.
Tell her how you felt from your experience of witnessing her doing what she did;
you could also fill her in what you actually did while she 'waited' in that other room. She may not be fully aware of how excited you were, and the whole phase of you making sure that you were well prepared for the day as well because you were genuinely looking for ward to it.
If she truly is your best friend, or even a friend, they should be able to at least tell that you're upset with them in time. I think if you were to ignore them for a while, they will soon get the message that something's bugged you.
How to get over the emotion?
Find things you like doing; you could even find another friend to enjoy this particular hobby with or even a whole group of them. Don't let other people's selfish actions, such as this get to you.

rayelight @rayelight
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
rayelight @rayelight
That's terrible! Why did she even invite you if she was going to ignore you? If she has such a wide circle of friends then how come she was worried about being there alone in the first place? You were busy, had other things to do. But you made the time for her because obviously you value the friendship. She did not reciprocate. By ignoring you, she showed that she doesn't value this friendship as much as you do. There's history between the two of you and you have been through a lot together...
I'd recommend having a conversation with her letting her know how much it hurt you that she couldn't even spend five minutes with you at an event she talked you into attending. Maybe don't sound quite as salty as I just did, but you get the idea. And let her know that you don't take kindly to being treated that way. If she won't answer the phone, text it. She's gonna read it if nothing else. And if she can't apologize and be a better friend moving forward then you are better off without her. Or you could just skip all that and get straight to cutting her loose if you feel the relationship can't or shouldn't be salvaged. Easier said than done, I know, because a friendship breakup is still a painful breakup. But you think of her as your best friend and she's lumping you in with all the other faces in the crowd of her friend group...
But you just do you. Spend time focusing on things that make you happy. Watch your favorite show. Spend time on a hobby you love. Singing a sad or angry song at the top of your lungs can be very cathartic. Sing both! Live your life showing love and care to yourself and happiness will start to seep back in with time. btw sorry for practically writing a novel in response! o.o

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
commented on
Idk how do you call this emotion......betrayal?...And how do you get over t?
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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