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Just got home, as soon as I stepped inside I got yelled at and scolded for idk xDDD
Aug 02, 19 at 6:29am
Im quite bored tonight. So i went on an adventure. Set up StreamlabsOBS and hooked up 3 PC screens to my Comp (which already has 2 screens. so now i got 5 :) Made a Mixer account, and plan to start streaming..... but then realized, i got no Headphones for streaming. (ones that have a proper Mic to talk into)....... 3 hrs wasted, and i gota go shopping tomorrow for the HP.
Duolingo, wanna learn more spanish for my girl.
duolingo is shit to elarn spanish tbh come to my pm's and i will teach you ;)))
Back up rafael he has duolingo homework to do https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/029/091/duo.jpg
Aug 02, 19 at 9:04am
Only someone with a death wish would speak badly about duolingo
duolingo can't beat someone whos already speaks spanish B)
Well i already had it for 3 years in school but well i had always Ds
Lingodeer. Learning Japanese to gain ability to read chapter raws. Also to show off in front of friends
Watching Dr. Stone. Civilization the Anime.
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