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The spooky paranormal topic

When I was young I got up at night to get some water but when I was walking to the kitchen I saw a guy shadow, in the kitchen from where I was standing I could only see a half of the kitchen but not the inside unless I enter it, the mans shadow got bigger and bigger every second and I was just standing there looking at it intel it moved into the kitchen I ran in and a pot fell on the floor, i just got my water and went back to sleep
I live near Eli Whitney's old house, supposedly it's haunted, I have never been there to independently verify it. But I can guarantee Steven King definitely haunts his own house in Bangor, ME. Every time I drove by there, we would see him just standing around glaring creepily at everyone who walked by.
Tell us more Enki, How do you curse someone with feng shui? Feng shui in ph is always about good luck, well except with that bad looking filipino horror film with kris aquino titled feng shui.
Yeah,feng shui is about good luck in most cases;Yin and Yang are intertwined. It is said that arrangement of furniture/decorations in the house can affect owners'fortune/fate :P.Masters of feng shui are able to destroy good arrangements by placing something like arrows near that person's house.It is called “阵法”. https://wx3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/87d12914ly1fv5j35h2adj20d206tglu.jpg
We need more stories! Tis' the month of October!
I’ve experienced none but I have watched that chilled YouTube channel some of the stuff is pretty messed up
I have too many to count, but because this stuff is probably normal to me, I don't get any cheep thrills or "Spooks". Most of my experiences consist of *Sense spirit. *Tell spirit to turn off sink because its wasting water. *Watch sink turn off. Or *Sense dark presence trying to feed off my energy by trying to alarm me and make itself appear more powerful than it actually is. *Flare up aura and let it know I welcome the challenge. *Sense it give up when it realizes that I know basic psychic defense. Of course this is the internet, so take it with a grain of salt. But I kinda get tired of how mysterious people try to paint the world of the occult. It makes it too easy to scam people using it.
I mainly had my experiences when I was little. I used to have re-occurring nightmares of some entity at my window beckoning me to come outside, sometimes I'd even have very lucid nightmares alongside sleep paralysis where this plush toy that used to sit in a chair next to my bed would come to life and start terrorizing me. I used to absolutely hate being alone in my room at night because of that and would often sleep in my parents room. Those are the clearest memories I have from when I was around 4-5. @_@ Things sort of died down as I got older though, though I'd definitely say there was some type of entity in my grandparents house. I always had this feeling of dread whenever I was over there. Being inside of the house alone was a definite no for me because it'd make me feel sick since it seemed like something was burning holes into my back with it's gaze whenever I was alone. Actually my mom had mentioned that when I was a newborn and she was staying in the guest room at the house, she woke up to the apparition of some woman just...staring at me and me alone. Now that I think about it, I wonder if it was that same spirit staring at me all of these years. Kinda sends chills down my spine.
@Chocopyro: So you basically have a ghost butler? Haha. About Psychic defense, I studied it at a really young age to try to get rid of my nightmares and stop being scared at night. Fortunately, it worked. Whether it's a coincidence or not, I kept my routine of praying every time I go to bed. Followed by drawing circles and filling my house with white light in my head. I noted that the rare occasions where I had a nightmare or get sick in the night were times where I forgot to pray. So, even if it's not real, I don't care, it's working. Rationally, I think it might just be some kind of emotional placebo. Praying makes me think I'm in security, it's pretty much what prayers are for anyway. Imagining circles and white light is doing a good job at keeping me concentrated on something else than what monsters might hide in the dark. I didn't have any other paranormal experiences outside of what I already written. There was the Furby of my brother that kept waking up in the middle of the night, speaking and laughing, but I'm pretty sure that was just some kind of shitty electronics.
Man, I wish I had a ghost butler. Actually, probably not a ghost per say. Something more benign but less human. The dishwasher is broken, you see. As for psychic defense, yes. A big part of it is placebo. In fact, that's a huge part of chaos magic as well, but I digress. It's actually better though, in terms of psychic defense to recognize when you are under the placebo effect, either self imposed or under external influenced by the environment around you. Learn how to step outside of that, and then try to sense around you. Because the mind has a little too much influence over not only your perception of reality, but the spiritual aspects around you. That's why things like spiritual possession and curses tend to happen to people who are down on themselves rather than people who manage to keep up a positive mood. They have less of a defense to it. That's why placebo has its uses. Because when you feel like you're protected, you actually are better guarded. It just gets in the way if you're trying to objectively experiment or sense things around you. And given that so much of spirituality is objective, its hard to hold things up to a scientific method. The least you can do is take yourself out of your head and just observe what is actually happening. Did that pencil really just move across the table on its own? The answer more often than not is https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dsyUnPINZeY/hqdefault.jpg That said, I tend to work more with energies, auras, and things like that. So I take it a little past the visualization stages. A part of me will never fully 100% believe in it, but About 90% of me does, based on the fact that a lot of my friends and I would have some very peculiar instances. Like I would have a nightmare about a kid covered in mud, then the next day I come to my friends and hear one of them talking about how he had a spirit which took the form of a kid covered in mud appear from the creek. So a lot of things in my experiences just kinda leave me scratching my head rather than giving me answers. And yeah, I had a ferbie too. Scared the hell out of me all the time. But I can say, I've never sensed anything in the room when the damn thing went off, so I at least believe its nothing paranormal. Same with my sleep paralysis incident. Nothing supernatural there. Just the brain adjusting to living in a new house at the time. That said, occasionally I will sense things that can make small changes on the outside world. Like the "Gap Ghost" story I provided in my post above. I like to share that one to remind people that just because its probably supernatural doesn't mean it can't be kinda funny. People take the occult way too seriously sometimes.
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