Who would you date?
yhavent @yhavent
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Who would you date?
yhavent @yhavent
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正義の味方 @gundamu
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Who would you date?
正義の味方 @gundamu
Yeah, I'll hop on the "not a fan of dating younger girls" bandwagon. I can't say I have the patience for that either. I tried it before and it just felt like there was such a disconnect when it came to basically everything. Turned me off so fast, instability and indecisiveness is not attractive at all to me. @_@
And I mean not saying that all younger girls are like that, hell I've seen women much older than me that act the same but on the flipside I've seen many more women in my age group that actually know what they want and don't beat around the bush and stuff. That type of decisiveness is sexy to me.
Nini @mikan_kat
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Who would you date?
Nini @mikan_kat
I see a ship has been made! I ship it!!!
Cac x panda is my new otp
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Who would you date?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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MioIsMyWaifu @mioismywaifu
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Who would you date?
MioIsMyWaifu @mioismywaifu
I'm genuinely curious as to who Tylor would say he would date
mariahaise @mariahaise
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Who would you date?
mariahaise @mariahaise
I suggest you guys to stop underestimating and generalizing younger women just because you couldn't get one to fit your standards. Pretty sure some would even surpass those easily.
Edit: I read some other comment that made up for it, nice to know that. But it's still prejudice.
Baka @reinhardt76
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Who would you date?
Baka @reinhardt76
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Emperor Rick @weebslayer69
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Who would you date?
Emperor Rick @weebslayer69
I was thinking of someone, she's very nice, sweet and she had 2 accounts.But her latest one was deleted 2 weeks ago, and had an new bio starting that she was actually a 16 year old and wasn't allowed on the site.
My gut tells me her mom or dad found out about it.
yhavent @yhavent
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Who would you date?
yhavent @yhavent
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zcoria @zcoria
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Who would you date?
zcoria @zcoria
Muggleborn <3
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