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The Lack of Common Courtesy

Don't forget, while we're at each others throats over race and sex... There's people way up the ladder that are laughing all the way to the bank while our country falls to ruin. Get us focused on each other so no one's eyes are on them. It's a pretty ingenious plan.
"You guys do realize that I offered her the most sacred of brofist and you see how she repays me? She then goes on to kick me in the nuts and dunk my head in a trash can and I'm somehow supposed to work with that? Honestly, what is wrong with you people!" you fit in perfectly in this thread https://maiotaku.com/topics/10635?page=1
Im fucking crying
You seem to genuinely want help. But you can't seem to get past your own ego in the matter. What niwatori said has a LOT of applicable advice. I don't agree with the insults, calling you stupid or a retard and all that. People do not like giving someone whose insulting them the satisfaction. I want you to try and be better. So I'll try to spell out the points that you seem to have missed Such as: >You aren't owed a relationship or another person's time. By that same measure they are not owed yours. Respect yourself and others. If you feel like you are being kind and that kindness is not reciprocated then open your mouth and say something. Or walk the fuck away and find someone who feels the same way about you as you do them. >You are the common factor in all of your failed relationships. So maybe you should look into what you are doing wrong rather than blame women for not being what you want them to be. >Stop going after damaged women hoping to "fix" them. Beyond the fact that it clearly isn't working out for you, just because you are nice to someone does not mean that they will be attracted to you. And to complain about all you've done for them just makes you come off as manipulative. It seems as if you're doing those things expecting those women to fall for your heroic nature when really it just makes you come off as a doormat. The metaphor of a band aid was spot on. You might help fix people but after that you just get tossed aside because that's all you offered. >In that same regard, be upfront about what you want out of a relationship. You don't have to try and hop right in bed with every girl you think is cute. But if you treat it like some disney movie hoping she'll eventually see all your chivalrous and noble deeds you should know it does not work like that. >Think about what you have to offer. Develop interesting traits and hobbies. While I don't think it's fair to dig into your "redeeming" traits in this particular post(no one looks sexy complaining) You should have something besides your ability to engage, divulge, and expound upon interesting topics with an astonishing lack of substance. "Brevity is the soul of wit" correct? Are you funny? Do you have interesting stories? Maybe you know how to make people feel good without being a kiss ass You could be polarizing, having opinions that you stand by that makes people think Experiences that other people have wanted to have Or even just being a confident, stable, caring person who isn't looking for sympathy while insulting half the population for what some people have done. >Improve your social skills and stop with the negativity feedback loop from people who've already given up. Clearly you WANT things to be better so work on it. Look at what you're doing wrong, reflect on it and fix it mah dude. Maybe take some time away from relationships while you do for your own sake.
@halo spoke like a champion
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