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The Lack of Common Courtesy

You know I could also say your mind is so brainwashed thinking XYZ therefor I’m right your wrong. That’s a pretty interchangeable argument yah got there. How ever a better thing you could argue is due to predisposed events one brain yes does filter out things for example iirc I remember hearing about the perceptions of color from and African tribe of the perception of different greens yet no perception of reds and blues. Same thing goes for information. So in conclusion because of your bias toward this in group as it is not of your preference because it doesn’t circle jerk to your ideas in a Kind to john’s You filter out the critique and only view the frame. I’m pretty sure in my refutation I was “tactful” So let’s do this again Your mind is so brainwashed that you can only see 1 direction, nothing more than one possiblity. Your argument is the equivalent of any art community taking criticism or that of the interchangeable bull shit from creationist v.s aethiest memes. Now why are you against something so different from you? Does happen to mean that “Hey, some of the people here think differently then you” your already hating them how Sasuke-kun and your going out of your way to attack from the shadows ;p
@Aleuzia Because diversity of thought makes him have to actually think.
@Guudmoore Your fucking wrong m8 this man since he can’t find his other half and is willing to hold himself in his own logic just means he doesn’t have a group to circle jerk with. Meaning all of us get to fap and cum together whilst this man has to eat sleep and breathe his own ideas and not taste the other fruits in existence. He will continue to Ingest these ideas until he decides hey, maybe the person who ate the pine apple before jerking might have a different flavor from my own. Until he goes out to find this new flavor he will be stuck in the circulation of his own thought condoms Truly this is intellectual analysis at its greatest capacity
Members in our community are friendly and helpful. We tried to help desperate, depressed members so that they could find happiness in life again but it is too late ..Those people consider people's kind responses/advice as personal attacks...*Sighs...*Cries Counselors here have different conversational styles. Some are blunt and critical.Some are softer.
Not much to do save for combat bad logic with subversive troll logic
Space Cadet...I remember the user oneman! He was so into using fancy words...and invalid logic XD...Also I remember John was his ally though he just posted on Oneman's wall to show his interest.
Wait there was a dude touting off fancy words? Soundshilarious... actually nvm that sounds like the American education system telling you to add fluff.
It's hard to judge. The first post wasn't really to seek help but more to spit poison no ? So the reaction followed. And you canno't help someone that doesn't want your help.
I even tried to give an out but John was to material and egotistical in his perception. To call it “Attacks” means a lack of understanding of what most people were saying.
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