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The Lack of Common Courtesy

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Sooo... Short end of the the story is, you're jaded and feel like you're owed something for all of your efforts(In a sense you're right, but that's not entirelytrue... intentions mean EVERYTHING. ). But, in you're defense, all women are disrespectful, thieving whores. Sorry about your luck there. I'm sure you've looked into it, but just incase.. Have you really looked into why this seems so for you? It could be that you're a doormat or it could be that you're going after women who have these bad traits without knowing it. In other words, you may just be your own saboteur. I say that because I can assure you that all women are not as you've described here, not by far.
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I think Kaito might be making an offer there. ;)
Sep 05, 18 at 11:08am
I think you just need to simplify things to an extent to where you're coming from a place of complacency. If dating or this "relationship" gets to a point to where it's not working for me or worth my time due to various reasons (inconsistent message/behavior from the opposite party, demanding things or changes from you that you're not comfortable with, or gas-lighting and/or manipulating you, etc) you have to be at a point where you can simply brush your hands and walk away from it. Many guys (especially those in the anime/gaming communities) will get hung up on "the one" and will do anything for the sake of relationship just because they don't want to be alone/single again. Even if it gets to the point of compromising everything in their social lives and seriously hinders their emotional well-being. I think a lot of MGTOW guys (as a small part of RP rage) get so frustrated on what certain girls have done to them or other guys and get so hung up on the negatives that they tend to lose themselves entirely thinking women are solely out to manipulate and take advantage of them. There's a place in my opinion you can get to (and it gets easier as you get older) where you aren't a raging pile of hormones and can view relationships as a support and emotional piece of your life but can recognize and understand signs of where things can go south and not the direction you're comfortable with and you can just say to yourself "peace, I'm out" and wake up the next day no worse for wear. That's how I try to view things these days where it'd be nice to have a relationship, but it's got to be on terms I'm comfortable with, and if I don't find it, I'm no worse off now than I was yesterday. That's the "complacency" piece I was talking about earlier.
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The generalization I see I understand completely and have read through it and seen countless times, also rebutted by even those in PUA and approach in all that, but here’s the thing. MGTOW is aware of the culture shift as well as incels or anyone who pays attention and yes as @Yaasshat said there is a “Not all” but that statement only points to outliers tbh and usually is very defensive. So from reading what your saying is a mix of the PUA perception of getting the girl but not be the chaser but also to not “waste time” from the MGTOW perception. Both from how things have evolved into today but I would also say that correlation is because it’s to attract a certain normie type of girl 1. There are a lot of women as you described this and other women who are this way in minor ways due to culture and things like that, but tbh that would mean you weren’t awae or are aware now and it’s way late and u are bad at vetting info entirely and playing on it. You got walked on cause you literally found the wrong people which you equated to your disposition against women and the more it happen it lead into a conformation bias and you ended up getting the same results each time most likely subconsciously not trying or doing anything new except maybe a setting change and going after people with slightly different personalities. All your doing now is giving into is a delusioned ver. Of the black pill. This is why I personally find also the MGTOW thing and INCEL thing kinda just overly boring and “Meh” because with enough self imbedding and conformation bias is what got you in there is the same thing that can get you out. Yet you chose to keep going in that route with your “research” rather than waking up in realize you were just following a pattern of eating the same shit daily and only now just waking up to it, but with what you types you ended up getting it wrong. 2. On the note of Alphas. Literally become a figurative Alpha. You don’t need to be social you just need to be aware of what exists and play on it and understand the tone, mood, and other things systematically as you go through out your day (this is one way but there are many others). You need to work on yourself as a person to attract what you want otherwise your just gonna keep going on with a “semi truth” but doing absolutely nothing with it. Yes there are men who are naturally very Alpha like, and people who have evolved as funny and better bodies with in their family line. Though that’s not enough, and which you would equate to women entitlement. Though I would say that means you also haven’t adapted at all and are only getting things half right. If your not willing to adapt you can’t be Alpha and it doesn’t have to be the “Alpha” you perceive it has to be the Alpha of the women your trying to attract. There is a lot of things Self imbedding and waking up to the world can do if you play on it which seems your not, and haven’t done anything towards something similar to that. Also never get rid of the chase, each girl your trying to attract you should gage whether they’re ones that you should chase or have them chase you, otherwise your just being limited and absolutely coming of entitled based on your experiences and your intentions that I can read clearly based on things I have heard about will never come true with the rest of MGTOW because you have been bopped only by a small percentage of society rather than opting in to go physically look for something else or building yourself up to bring people to you (I’m not talking about working out). 3. On the note of wasting time, if your with someone treat it as a learning aspect not a way to conform your bias against a certain type of women. You’ve dated more than I have (which is 0 for me) but you should already know what you like and what you dislike and what girls were bad and good to be with. While you were so focus on wallowing and how bad those people are you yourself didn’t change, this is the problem with MGTOW and INCEL mindsets cause they go through the same thought process I’ve seen normie women go through with “bad men”. The sense of delusion and time wasting also comes from not learning anything from those experiences or having a high mind enough to take advantage of “everything”. Using both bad and good not as time wasters but to improve upon or change the next Out comes they have with anyone. You lack realistic postivity and you are toting the same BS from MGTOW for years I’ve seen and no matter how good they are because they have a form of delusion (Not of reality but the approach and how they conduct themselves) they will be doomed to have women instantly know they have a kink in their armor. Your wasting your time no one else can do that for you and this is objective and maybe your possibly easily manipulated. MGTOW and who ever else can wake up to the worlds realities but they conflate things to much and pretty much people like me who also see this but are neither MGTOW or Incel get incredibly shit on because of you guys. It just seems your powerless and your giving into your own weakness by only being a half right person and not even knowing it. 3.On psychological abuse and other things. Fine the women you dated, I’ll give the benefit of the doubt we’re maybe scummy, but you could also have a weak mind and a weak heart. You never once probably have built your self up at all to get and hold onto what ever girl your trying to attract. Yes someone should like you for you and what ever but that’s not even close to the full equation. Because you haven’t built yourself up all those years your mind must have been incredibly frail and susceptible to simple ploys you couldn’t over come or will never over come, you lack resolve and kept going into the madness of the same “desk job” of Dating and all that, for what? To learn nothing and actively “stabbing” your heart with the women “you” initiated with. If your not willing to look at a small percentage of that as your fault and not willing to change even the slightest your the one that’s out yourself through part of your abuse and that small percent of literally anything you did wrong would cause anyone to play on you and you to more to your bias, your delusion, imbedding yourself on how women are and what they think. Yet you haven’t seen everything and I’m sure your aware of this, look into the biology, other social strata, and the society we live in and marvel t yourself the things you can do to change yourself and not be stuck in MGTOW. Hell even an some Alt right person has less delusional parts then MGTOW and Incel and I find them “intresting”. The “abuse” you face must also be woken up to, it has probably skewed your logic to no end. Yes I’ve face some troubles but in the end I looked at the objective what’s my fault and what isn’t and how to fix it, I understand the situation and replay everything to calm myself. So what have you done to figure out what exactly is “good” or “bad” besides looking at the stuff that you look at, with a closed mind to this world because of your “abuse”. Literally just get over it no matter how hard it is
4. Men do do wrong and so do women. You may know the world perspective but your individual perspective based of the world one doesn’t work hear, World/society v.s individual perspective/ in society must be balance otherwise you become stupid. 5. The White/Black pills. Here’s the thing I’m not some preachy person about women, I’m not some defensive white knight, but I am a one who likes truth, learning, and the advantages and real things of the world that exist due to bad and good things happening as well as adapting to them. I wanna know what you can do from this point forward with what you say your gonna do and what other stuff you can do. You can refute my points but each time you do know your just gonna bleed out your heart in the future and will continue to be asleep in your simulation of reality. Refuting me also will most likely get the same responses of maybe lack of knowledge, maybe even misinterpreting things I say, even nit picking grammar or my mistakes in how I came across, but I will sense delusional parts in what you’d do, I will know that if you can’t wake up properly to the problems of the world you will be stuck, and I will also know that you lack wisdom. So get rid of the black pill and the white pills of the world, they are delusions and misnomers themselves and your forcing yourself to be an Era based/ Generational Bass bi product rather than an evolutionary bi product of societies and to be the small percent that gets ofted by their mates. I critique you because I genuinely care for people and humans. This is a Personal attack from me to you on the wrong parts of you that I see not the good parts of you, what you have must be utterly broken before you can grow, I may be only 20 in comparison to you but your logic is flawed and you don’t know enough yet. So let me do some framing for you as another nail in the coffin that to me is a hilarious way to subvert people. Stay in your delusion of MGTOW and I’ll acknowledge your truths but laugh at your actions and feel sorry while others get mad at you and your blanket statements based on society from the world to confirm your bias rather than due to inverse or Truly wake up the the system and the ploys of the world see the advantages of both good and bad things and help others to realize and genuinely care about problems and not only hel- yourself but others along the way, just wake up. Now I given you 2 choices and tackled your argument in a matter after carefully reading what you said and responding with a similar tone and fashion with my own flare to see if it my trigger a certaint response from you, a very complex bait to see 1 of 2 options when I know their is many but I’m not going to give you that cause most people don’t think of that. I want you to help yourself, and be okay. I framed, calculated, and did this for you because I Extremely dislike untruth, or having a half truth. 6. My pill. I offer you a tranparent pill, something I semi came up with, it’s invisible cause it’s only a simulation and the goal is to realize you need to take it because it’s not there. Albeit a contradiction but there’s a reason for it being that way if you can figure it out, you may have the blue and red and the black and white pills, to defend your perception but I think risking breaking your mind is worth throwing all those and other ideas away in the pursuit of truth that you also seem to have. This all come from of what I can observe from you and how there’s just flaws and easy openings in you. To end this I wonder wonder how it feels to know to have your sexual market value decrease overtime, and to be so worth hearted against others but not knowing that your limiting yourself to a specific type of perception, and how it is that you see something only for your group and not being able to have that same intellectual empathy for other groups and things that may only apply to how MGTOW and Incel people look and act due to how their brains function, and lastly how it is to be “weird” plus to be a bi product not knowing their is an out that you only got half right and failed to notice it. Try your best not to take any of my bait cause it’s out in their to see if your willing to listen to the intentions but not go off on it and get hung up on 1 thing It’s not all women’s fault, if your truly aware of society and it’s shift due to also technology and hyper gratification systems, there’s a lot of men enabling it to as well with the women. Although only if yournlooking in those places. Lower your standards or build yourself up to raise yours
Read carefully Spaceman and do not jump ship if you get hung up on something, read it over and over and be very sure of what I am saying. I’m not intrested in any quick responses or misrepresentations. I read your wall carefully now read mind if your intrested in and I want you to do it more than a couple of times because what I am saying is very much done in a certain way that require some specifically “your deep thoughts” no one else’s.
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