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What is the most romantic thing you have done for someone/lover?

@cupofshinji ACKNOWLEDGEMENT!!!! AMAZING, you went through with it and you know what could have happened. I'M SUPER PROUD OF YOU >w<) *hugs*
@waterlily_ann I was pretty heartbroken, but I got over it pretty quickly. She was happy with the person she was dating and Im glad. We still stayed as friends and still are now. We don’t talk as much, but we keep in touch here and there.
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I could make 愛妻弁当/Aisai Bento.As a bookworm, Chinese ways of nourishing of life like 推拿/拔火罐/艾灸 are part of knowledge I have internalized. I could understand some other languages so being a bad interpreter will not be an issue. I can fight too! Taijiquan! I could give up my promotion/Tokyo Uni and my beloved parents/China if they are truly worthy of these.
If cheesy's what you want, most of the romantic things I've done are also some of the cheesiest too. Sang several love songs like the English cover of Kimi no Todoke's opening. Sent their favourite flowers and confectioneries on birthday. Wrote a cringy confession poem and read it outloud. Planning out the whole day- a trip + date during the day, dinner during evening then binge movies the whole night. In general though, being willing to invest time and attention for someone is already quite romantic to me :P
I have told them I am going to choose this+kirisu/Yikino pillow case as the birthday present..XD I think it is romantic enough! https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/87d788b2ly1fupk72zunej20kg0kgtcz.jpg
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@mikan i did similar stuff to a girl when i was in high school. she decided the same and the school thought it was a stalker and stuff so i just stopped altogether cuz people started investigating it. also since i have bad handwriting it was typed out not written. she probably would have berated me though, i was the meatsack for everyone at my school. everybody bullied me lol
I remember junior year of highschool I was talking to a girl and we kinda had a Toardora tiger x dragon thing going, like I would call her taiga and stuff like that, so near prom I got a plushie of the tiger from toradora and put a collar on it that said prom? To bad she didn't accept lol
@cupofshinji *hugs* awe. You did great and if you need a friend to talk to, feel free to comment and such~ @kaito-kun <3 That's so adorable. I need a partner like that. Knows my kind of snacks and such! Tests me and reminds me of priorities <3 DOKIIIII @Enki I approve of the gifts and loving acts <3 You're getting up there as a dream waifu for me @w@ <3 I love me some bento~ @Tracious A planner like me! Oh man, oh JEEZE! I need someone to take the reigns of planning please! @Ryushika The Trap D: Protect the precious and innocent! It is ok, you know that you were just trying to reach out to them~ @kitsune2024 OMG, prom ideas. I have forgotten that but its HER LOSSS. Some peeps go all out and others do cute ideas, all the same to putting effort in. Be proud of yourself! =) You'll find another Taiga ^^
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