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Hanging out with my family for the holidays. Any future trips you’re getting ready to go on?
I want to do Europe in May of next year with my sister. Should be fun. We did Japan last time and its a memory Ii'll hold dear. How many standard drinks do you like to have for a fun night? (Not to get shit faced... just to get drunk enough to have a ripper of a night)
Oct 10, 19 at 7:32am
only time i ever ordered a beer was in england at a pub, and i wanted to try a real proper guinness i couldnt finish it after one sip, my bf had to have it (i ordered soda) what was the first alcoholic beverage you had?
Cola and Whiskey mix. And within an hour of that I lost Kings Cup and downed an unholy mix of spirits, beers, goon and someone's cruiser. Shortly after I jumped in the back pool in nothing but a frog onesy and the applauding hearts of the people! If you could RULE the world for a day, how would you spend it?
Oct 10, 19 at 7:38am
be the cruest, worst dictator the world has ever seen, forcing them to take my head before the day was over what would you like to name your next animal?
If its a boy. Balthier. ANd then call it the leading man as a nickname. (props wo anyone who knows the reference) You can buy one thing at any cost for free, what do you get?
Oct 10, 19 at 11:26am
id buy a human, set them into the wilderness where id hunt and then eat them do you prefer hot drinks, or cold drinks?
Oct 10, 19 at 12:02pm
cold... because soda is cold and I like soda If there was a full scale world war between men and women who would win?
Oct 10, 19 at 12:57pm
men initially but when women are all gone then they have no one to feed them so they all die of starvation if you could make your waifu/husbando real, would you?
Oct 10, 19 at 1:04pm
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