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Oct 06, 19 at 2:46pm
Milking it. Why does whiskey taste so good?
Because it’s healing you emotionally. What’s are some good whiskeys I guess?
Oct 06, 19 at 3:07pm
Jamesons, Glenfiddich and Bell's are good. What is the best way to cook a potato?
Oct 06, 19 at 4:01pm
Use sunrays How would your perfect revenge look like?
A revenge that damages their lives suited to them that doesn't kill them. That way they have to live in torturous misery everyday with my lasting revenge. What is one's own opinion of romance?
Oct 06, 19 at 5:35pm
It's a wonderful thing if it's based on mutual understanding and the desire to have a meaningful relationship. It's also the source of pain and misery when unfufilled, and most of the times it exists only in the poeples heads. What's your greatest wish?
To have unlimited wishes HIT OR MISS?
I'm gonna choose... MISS! If you could choose to leave one emotion behind what would it be? Oh and why.
Oct 06, 19 at 5:54pm
none, theyr all extremely necessary to maintain balance of ones self sure id like to curb some, but never eliminate which states have you visited/lived in?
Oct 06, 19 at 6:00pm
I lived in two states in Brazil, Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. Here in the US I just lived in New Jersey xd What's your favorite color?
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