What's your MBTI personality type?
Lishifu @hakutaku
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Lishifu @hakutaku
evil plans...:P
Lishifu @hakutaku
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Lishifu @hakutaku
Lynes @lynesis
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Lynes @lynesis
Lynes @lynesis
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Lynes @lynesis
sadjester @sadjester
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What's your MBTI personality type?
sadjester @sadjester
I got Obi-Wan. Perfect!
sadjester @sadjester
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What's your MBTI personality type?
sadjester @sadjester
Musical artists according to Myers Briggs (now I know why I like Sara Bareilles' songs so much, lmao).
INFJ: Sara Bareilles
ESTP: Kanye West
INTJ: Muse
ESFP: Lilly Allen
INFP: Austra
ESTJ: Eminem
INTP: the Glitch Mob
ESFJ: Taylor Swift
ISFJ: 2cellos
ENTP: Gorillaz
ISTJ: The White Stripes
ENFP: Lana Del Rey
ISFP: Lorde
ENTJ: Camille Saint Saens
ISTP: Arctic Monkeys
ENFJ: Moby
sadjester @sadjester
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What's your MBTI personality type?
sadjester @sadjester
cheeken @kenjikewl
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What's your MBTI personality type?
cheeken @kenjikewl
Huh, I'm Mediator (INFP-T)
Guess I'm not as different to others as I thought I would
Baka @reinhardt76
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.
Lishifu @hakutaku
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Lishifu @hakutaku
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