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Whats more important loyalty or honesty?

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I would personally rather have a loyal friend someone who I can talk to about any problem I may have rather then someone who can tell me when I mess up and the reason why is because of the type of person I am. I am someone really rational and I generally have the ability to look back at my action and see when I did somethink wrong. (I say most of the time but I do agree that sometime you do need someone else perspertive in order to see thing that you may have miss) I also tend to be a really emotional person even if I tend to not show it has much as I should so having someone who I can trust and who I fell I can talk to about anything would definely help me a lot.
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I want and have both. I have an honest friend to give me reality checks and a loyal friend to just be there for me when I just need comfort. I go to different people for different situations.
Honesty. Some lean towards loyalty cause there are a lot of people who dream of someone who'll love them exactly as they are, unconditionally, whether it be socially or romantically, which COULD be the start of a dangerous and unhealthy relationship. Who doesn't want someone to love them for who they are and stick by their side? But some think its not too much to ask for complete loyalty, so they give away their loyalty too easily and carelessly, which can be the start of an unhealthy relationship of loving or caring about someone who refuses to change and/or the demeaning of one or each other's individuality, due to said person or the other being their own person of value, not willing to dedicate much of themselves to another person so easily without question, let alone absolutely....loyalty SHOULDN'T be easy to earn....some people who dedicate so much of themselves to you after just meeting you could just be clingy or have such a low self-esteem, so they use you as their shining light of hope where since they dedicate so much to you, they ultimately EXPECT the same in return.... They'd have to either be truly dedicated (and possibly a bit naive) or selfishly naive and lonely. A lot of people think that they're different, and that they're the later rather than the latter....as for honesty, it ain't like a person has to reveal all their secrets, but only not keep secrets that pertain to YOU, like that they're cheating or that their feelings are fading away for you. Ultimately/TL;DR, you shouldn't expect loyalty from someone who can't even give you honesty. So yeah, I believe honesty is more important. Loyalty is of course important too, but without honesty, loyalty would fall apart. The question is like asking if whether being married or being happy is more important....if you care about your life and the other person's, you should be happy with the person you want to be married/together with, just as you should be honest with the person you end up being loyal to. Honesty should be more important cause its a requirement to loyalty.
I have both so i think it's best to have both, but honesty comes before loyalty to be honest.
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but if they're really honest, wont they tell you if they're about to betray you σ( -ˇ.ˇ-。)
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