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Starting a conversation

I decided to do this so I could start off a bit of a conversation with some of you as it seems like sometimes it's hard to start a conversation with others even though we have forums but it's still difficult to go to which Forum to talk to someone and which one to communicate with someone so I just decided to just jump headfirst into the form and asked how's everybody doing today and would any of you want to talk about anime or socialize?
I'm doing fine, how about yourself? I'm not entirely sure, but I think someone tried to start one of these once before. Don't recall where that thread was located though.
Well I'm okay as I'm trying to get as much Intel as possible because of the fact that I'm trying to start my own zombie story that might be able to become a manga.
What direction you planning on going with the story? A survivor based one? Or something like a spin on the normal way it's typically done now?
Got me curious as well(also I like the idea of this thread),what kind of story you going for?
Jul 13, 18 at 5:43pm
That's one hell of a run on sentence. I like your style, confuse and exercise the lungs. And on to the next topic in your topic... What style of story are you looking to do? Better yet, care to show what you've brainstormed already?
Jul 13, 18 at 5:54pm
I'll read their info/their posts in the forums and ask them impersonal questions+post memes. Questions I ask may be about their countries; their majors; their personality types; If their info is lackluster, they aren't active in interacting with us in the forums...then I have no idea how I can start a conversation in a reasonable way...
To be honest I am going with a yandere story where the main character is a zombie. he's trying to find love but with the fact that he always gets into fights and the fact that he's literally a mix of Crow from Deadman Wonderland and Nicolas from gangstas. He doesn't talk much but when it comes to being an assassin and also a doctor he is all business and no pleasure. But he does have a crush on a female nurse that he constantly go see above the underground.
Here's information on the character. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LnbHgfBVJsN50A2rEMbSafOA2q3nWGtixaA9I5v1ByU/edit?usp=drivesdk
If I could be real...it seems rather ambitious. I mean I guess a doctor who is an assassin can be done(Dexter, amirite?). And a zombie who is ironically surrounded by organs and has the privilege to cut into people's brains could be considered good comedy material. But then you say he's "all business and no pleasure" Okay, so then how is he also trying to find love? Being a doctor is a full time gig. you are on call quite often. So handling that along with the busy hectic schedule of an assassin is busy enough. Now he also wants a relationship? I like the premise as I could think of a few interesting scenarios 1. Someone finds out he's a zombie and asks how he avoids just having a feast on his patients. this could delve into his motivations as a doctor as well as expand on how zombification works in your world 2. Have him operate on a botched assasination attempt. Explore the duality of his two professions by having him have to save someone he tried to kill. 3. Have an episode show the ramifications of zombies in our world. Is there more than one? Can they detect one another? Is it common public knowledge? There ware ways to subtly explain all of this. 4. Is his being a zombie the result of magic? Does magic exist in your world? Is he stronger than the average human or weaker? What is it about this nurse that makes him so drawn to her? If he's an adult is there a reason that he doesn't just ask her out? Like maybe that she has an extreme fear or hatred of the occult or perhaps as a nurse is passionate about saving people and he's worried what shed think if she ever found out that he was an assassin? 5. Do zombies age? How did he become a zombie? How long has he been alive? If he's undead then he'd inevitably run into trouble when people noticed that he either was not aging or was always 100 despite being an incredibly old and rightfully frail man. 6. Why is he an assassin and does his being a zombie and a doctor regularly surrounded by death shape his worldview on the "value" of life?
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