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Anonymous confessions!

Aug 07, 18 at 2:41am
#1362 Someone once told me that I made them the happiest they've ever been in their life but later told me that I never truly knew them. Am I wrong for thinking that can't be true if I made them the happiest they've ever been(at that time)?
Aug 07, 18 at 2:41am
#1363 sucks to like someone and they like someone else
Aug 07, 18 at 2:41am
#1364 Kid, don't aim at your head. Your skull takes 99.99% of your head and it won't work.
Aug 07, 18 at 2:41am
#1365 @traplover https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/110/894/6cd.gif
Aug 07, 18 at 2:41am
#1366 I probably shouldn’t submit this. But it’s the only thing I’ve got. Confession: I’ve been depressed for a really long time. I haven’t been truly happy in a long long time. Over the yesrs I’ve distracted myself with school, to keep myself from being sad. I’ve gotten good grades, and still do. I’ve even tried making myself happy. But I’m just not. I’m not happy living. My life sucks, and I have all this pain that won’t go away. I’ve waited and waited and waited for years for things to get better, but they’re not. Things are not getting better. My pain and suffering still continutes, and just won’t end. I don’t think they will. I can already see that my future is going to suck even more, because of the situation I’m going to be in. I annoy and dissapoint a lot if people. I don’t want help. I’m not going to see a therapist. I don’t want to let anyone down or hurt anyone, because I’m depressed. So I’m making this statement anonymously. That being said. After i turn 18 and graduate, I’m going to try and kill myself. I’m really struggling waiting. I don’t want to wait a year to kill myself, but I’m going to try and force myself to wait until after graduate. I’m going to try to be strong until i graduate, but i can’t promise anything. I can’t promise that i’ll stay alive a month more. I can’t promise I’ll be alive for another year. After i graduate, this is one thing for certain. I’m going to attemp suicide. If I die, I’m okay with that. I have lived long enough. I don’t care about living long. I don’t mind having a short life. I love my friends and family. I have great friends and family. I just don’t want to be here anymore.
Aug 07, 18 at 2:42am
#1367 again mango Fruit disgust me so does Grape fruit might as well put kiwi in that pile
Aug 07, 18 at 2:42am
#1368 I miss you.
Aug 07, 18 at 2:42am
#1369 Lamby and Enki best waifus.
Aug 07, 18 at 2:43am
#1370 i think i am starting to like someone now but man idk how she feels and yet i think she likes someone else from what she told me before. damn it this feeling suck
Aug 07, 18 at 2:43am
#1371 At least the Asian girl that can sing to Vocaloid song is nice & sweet. Unlike you and your miserable pathetic existence. Only shit comes out from your big jawed mouth.
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