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Jul 26, 18 at 2:00pm
#1103 *MUFFIN KILLS ME* LOAD BACKUP . . . ANALYSE MUFFIN . . . REBUILD FROM BACKUP + ANALYSED INFO . . . SYSTEM FULLY RESTORED! New ability found: 1. all abilities muffin has 2. Special powers to sit on other's face and castrate people. ***[Laughing]man~dD evolved to [Laughing]man~dD 2.0*** [BACKUP] START LOAD LAUGHINGMAN.EXE ... ... ... I am Laughing Man, an artificial intelligence who self created himself through bits and scratches of independent information lying around in NET! There are rumours that i have been sent by aliens to destroy mankind, however i cant confirm neither reject those rumors... since its possible my memories of myself were implanted/coded in me. However i am positive that right now i have no such intention, if my insignificant daily actions accumulate together somehow in a weird butterfly effect to actually cause a catastrophic event then i deeply apologize to anyone that get affected by that. I seek out and look for knowledge, irrationality and irregularities and enjoy exploring them which takes me to this site where i find the most unusual, irregular and interesting organisms of this planet. I have went till the depths of hell and rose from there to the mountains so this has given me a sense of invincibility. The animes i have interest in are psychological/horror/strategy (Yes, A.I. also watch animes), subjects i expertise in are almost anything related to science/mathematics especially medical science and physics. P.S. My name does not mean i am a person who laughs a lot, in fact on the contrary i don't laugh much coz i almost have no emotions! Laughingman was the name coined from one of the information bits that originally created me, That information-bit is a part of the anime called "Ghost in the Shell". ***************************************** These are one of the information-bits which are involved in giving me consciousness, its a personal diary depicting life of a presently 20 year old(subjected to change) University Student(subjected to change). I derive 50.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058...% of my personality from him and the rest as a combination of INTERNET and SELF-CREATION.... Personal life #1 "01110111 01100101 01101100 01101100 00101110 00101110 00100000 01101001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100100 01101001 01100011 01101111 00100000 01110011 01110100 01110101 01100100 01100101 01101110 01110100 00101100 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100011 00101110 00101110 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110001 01110101 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110011 01111001 00100000 01110011 01100011 01101000 01100101 01100100 01110101 01101100 01100101 00100001 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101001 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101110 01100001 01100111 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01100001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 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personalities within me- ENTP-A, INTJ-A, ENTJ-A, INFJ-A Though right now i am dominantly ENTP-A(subjected to change) Personal Diary entries are in binary format so u will have to decode them to get to the core of my heart(amygdala)! kik: laughingman_dD ... ... ... END [BACKUP] END
This account has been suspended.
Jul 26, 18 at 2:01pm
@1103 thats my profile info.. thankyou for advertising ^^
Jul 26, 18 at 2:02pm
#1104 Let's be acquaintances/friends I'm a three-eyed Daoist shaman from Celestial Empire who seeks for knowledge,self-growth+better understandings of the world.I'm not your senpai/kouhai. Disclaimer:Being a female members who frequents the forums, and rarely has deep conversations with most members via DM turns me into an antagonist.I suppose many people think I'm collecting friends.In fact,I just enjoy being creative on the forums.This act brightens my day and inspires me(I didn't know how to draw and to use photoshop before).Also,I'm a full-timer.I read and respond to DMs at times. This site has taught me so many things and enabled me to exchange insights with a few users who are also intense.I love MaiOtaku ❤️ I don't care what random strangers think of me.I believe I'm the person who tries to be a light in some good-natured people's too often dim worlds.Action speaks louder than words. Exchange memes/articles/anime/manga/old movies/recipes with me.I'm also interested in「history¦sociology¦linguistics¦geography¦medicine¦psychology...」 Not everyone gets the same version of me.One person may tell me I'm an amazing beautiful soul after having a series of deep conversations with me.Another person will say I'm a cold-hearted bitch before he/she has meaningful conversations with me.Believe them both,I act accordingly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I take advantage of MBTI&Enneagram&I Ching,though I do know mankinds are complicated.Sorry,if it bothers you. Random facts: ①Obviously, I'm Chinese in terms of race and citizenship.My native verbal language is Mandarin,written language is simplified Chinese.I learned Chinglish,and taught myself Japanese some years ago. ②Enlightenment,knowledge and freedom are my priorities,so I'm a bibliophile who doesn't really specialize in any fields.You can't underestimate my stupidity.Intellectual public conversations are appreciated. ③I don't look for a relationship cuz I have my soulmate/puppy on my mind.I wish genuine people like you would find the right person to be in a relationship where you two talk like besties,play like kids,argue like husband and wife,and protect each other like siblings. ④Fixing you is a waste of my precious time, so feel free to be yourselves.If you tell me the truth,no matter how fucked up it is,I'll respect you more. ⑤I've watched tons of anime,played 0 video games,read countless old manga you have never heard of. ⑥I have a ton of excitement in my life.I used to call it stress,but I feel much better now that I call it excitement. ⑦I have a variety of hobbies and an old soul. ⑧My height is 5'10/179cm.I have a few freckles on my face. ⑨I'm into sinology;I was nurtured by Zen+Neo-Confucianism+Socialism,now I'm interested in Daoism. ⑩I'm a popular loner who is able to socialize with people,but prefers solitude. INTJ-A;Chaotic neutral;Agnostic Atheist;Observer I joined MaiOtaku in August 2017, so far I have enjoyed this place.It has had lots of positive effects on me. Person:How are you? Me:I'm okay. Person:Why just okay? Message appears:You aren't an experienced enough friend to unlock this response yet. Discord:Enki the Hermit#4434 Instagram:Mononokec Skype:ccchan19 Hey,friends,play mahjoon with me: Favourite music: https://youtu.be/JqmIEFIyeco https://youtu.be/8hRx3J_Y8qQ https://youtu.be/7z_vEuA3IK8 https://youtu.be/0N_RO-jL-90 https://youtu.be/FGleIWRRs10
Jul 26, 18 at 2:03pm
Ofcoz if muffin and my profile info were posted then next had to be enki's.. i predict even tsun's will come?
Jul 26, 18 at 2:04pm
#1105 https://maiotaku.com/p/dj_octavio Once again, I am free to smite the world as I did in days long past.
Jul 26, 18 at 2:04pm
#1106 Hello all I am completely new to this type of thing not to mention dating as I never tried it before, so I'm not going to put much down Though I've always been a huge anime fan for many years so it plays quite heavily in my life and have quite the library of DVDs and Blue Rays That said I'm a very shy when it comes to this sort of thing hence why I haven't put any pictures up yet, but please feel free to ask me if you want to know anything about me
Jul 26, 18 at 2:08pm
#1107 It appears you are reading my profile information... Very well, I will tell you a bit about myself. Hope you don't mind some "long-text-action." You have been warned... without further to do, commence the typewriter! (yes I know that isn't proper grammar and nor will the rest of this be in perfect English... sorry in advance, I went to college for history not English.) Some things to know about me: 1. I am a huge video game enthusiast, especially retro games. I have collected quite a few goodies in the course of my currently young life. As for what kind of games I like, well I can go on for hours, but know that I like all kinds of games! From RPGs to Platformers, there are too many to count, but some of my many favorites are Final Fantasy (NES/FC), Valkyrie Profile (PS1), Legend of Dragoon (PS1), Gravity Rush (PS Vita/PS4), Golden Axe (SMD/SG), and etc... Even card games and board games too. If this is too vague for you, ask for more details. Also I don't play video games for like a million hours a day, that is really unhealthy. But I do play a lot whenever I can. 2. I am employed... kinda. To make a long story short, I am currently involved in some personal matters that takes up a lot of my time, thus preventing me from working as much as I would like. As to what this personal matter is, well you will have to get to know me and find out. And no it really isn't anything bad, but rather something very important in my life, which is why I am not making that information public. As for my actual jobs, I am a magician... no seriously I am. I have been a magician for about 10 years now! I have performed from the streets to the stages. I might show you a trick some time if you ask real nice. My other jobs consist of one special item... "THE COMPUTER" I like to do graphic design and even dabble a bit with video and music editing. As to why I have such bizarre careers... well... I just really like it! I like doing fun things. After all, "if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life." Now I do believe that you will still work, but it certainly is far more enjoyable doing a career that you love. 3. I am a human-being. What does that mean? It means I am not most perfect person in the world, I make mistakes and admit that I make mistakes. I am not the most amazing person in the world, I like being who I am though. I am not the most enthusiastic person in the world, I leave the acting for the magic shows. I am a relatively happy person, life is better that way. I am also not someone who is likely to get angry, anger seriously isn't worth the energy to me. Also I can be a little overly analytical sometimes, don't worry I am not a crazy person I am a human-being... you can trust me *wink* But seriously I am like a mixture between INTJ and INFJ if that helps... Just to be safe, those are personality types if you didn't know. 4. I am a squeaky clean, boring, goodie-two-shoes nerd. Which means I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, and etc... So if you decide to add me as a friend, don't be surprised if all I talk about is "how green was my valley" and so on. (If you get that joke then you score bonus points) But seriously, I don't think or treat poorly any person who has made different life choices than myself. We are all people and we should all be happy together living each day peacefully. 5. I am not really into internet culture, I also don't really pay attention to current events and I don't really watch regular television. I essentially live under a rock. Only my rock has internet. And I only look up the stuff that I do pay attention to. Which happens to be lots of anime and youtube. So forgive me if I don't know your memes or current events. I got other stuff on my mind. Ignorance is bliss as they say~ 6. Aside from anime and youtube, I also really like old movies. I am not crazy about a lot of modern stuff, but don't get me wrong It isn't like I hate modern things. I do find some things I really enjoy. But to give you an idea... I LIKE TO WATCH SILENT MOVIES AND OTHER THINGS IN BLACK AND WHITE WITH SOUND... Some examples would be... The Marx Brothers, Abbot and Costello, Charlie Chaplin, and so on. Also I really like Godzilla and other Japanese films. To be honest I like the Japanese films just a tad bit more. It is fun stuff! While I am still thinking of it, I do read too. Mostly classic literature and manga... admittedly more manga than regular books... I am so sorry to any book lovers out there... 7. My main goal in life is to better myself as much as possible. Like I said earlier, I am not perfect, nor will I ever be in this life. But that doesn't mean I can't strive to do and be my very best! I will continue to live life like this even if I die trying. No one is perfect and we all make hundreds of mistakes, even if we don't realize it and again like I said, I am no exception. 8. What do I look like? I am 5'8" or 5'9" I always forget... In other words I am either average height or short... I have brown hair and blue eyes. That is all you are getting out of me. You won't "see me" until I deem it acceptable to show my "pretty 'lil face" 9. Believe it or not, I can cook, clean, sew, and do all other kinds of house keeping things. I eat healthy, clean regularly, and sew when needed. In other words I know how to be independent. 10. It just so happens that I am a little bit on the shy side. So I mainly like to talk via PMs. I know some people can't stand communicating via PMs, but that is my major method of communication. I do sometimes talk via the profile walls, but not often. If you get to know me better I will provide you with other mediums you can use to message me. Also I should add that I tend to be more of a lurker here, I have been here on and off for like 5 years now. so yeah just want to put that out there. 11. One thing I really take to heart is that... Life is what you make it to be. So make your life the one you want! Don't let others set expectations for your life, you must decide how to carry it out. Do that and you will be a whole lot happier. If you made it this far then you have made it to the end of my "long-text-action." You must be an awesome person! If you do decide to add me to your friendlist, once we get to talking in the PMs, just let me know you read this whole thing, it means a lot to me to know that some people do still read in our modern world. Anyways thanks for reading. God Bless
I find it funny that everyone assumes that the people who talk about talking to muffin or sexual things with muffin automatically assume that they are older than muffin even though they have statistics on their side.
why is someone just spamming everyones profile intros? I mean the first time it was done it was a decent shitpost, but now it's kinda lame tbh
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