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What would you do with a billion dollars?

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Keep about 10mil and live comfortably off the interest, and do some humanitarian work funded through investments. Give the rest away.
I would prepare myself a fake death. Then go to Japan and teach people my main language
take care of my immediate family, probz give them a few mill and tell them to fuck off and never even look at me again buy a reasonable house, make repairs to make it my dream house, move my mom into the downstairs (id renovate it to make it like a full apartment space) and live with my bf upstairs use the rest of my money to live off of and foster various animals on the destroy list and maybe foster some kids at the same time
Create a private military force and live off the profits. Maybe also go into arms development and robotics.
Travel the world make sure some family and close that helped me out are well taken care off volunteer at the everglades outpost be a zoo keeper build a wildlife reserve get permits and own exotic reptiles and meet some friends I have made on this site
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