Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?

Bitch please @tabris
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
Bitch please @tabris
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Baka @reinhardt76
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Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
Baka @reinhardt76
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. @vezax
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
. @vezax
Right now investing in bitcoins doesnt seem very profitable, its better to look for other cryptocurrencies which are growing in market.. i used to mine monero coins and have made quite some. I plan on to mine more after i convert it into money and buy more GPUs from it..

Baka @reinhardt76
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Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
Baka @reinhardt76
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Nobody @muffster
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Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
Nobody @muffster
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. @vezax
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
. @vezax
^u finally started using 'edit' :p
The reason i said investing on bit coins wont be profitable is coz its cost is tremendously high, so in order to get a good profit u need a huge investment in it or else the fluctuations are minor, where as other cryptocurrencies which are currently growing require a less investment.. well what i said applies more to mining the coins, if u r buying them then its different XD

Baka @reinhardt76
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
Baka @reinhardt76
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. @vezax
commented on
Any of you weaboos invest in Bitcoin?
. @vezax
U get bitcoins 1 = 500$ ?? Wtf where?
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