Has anyone found love with this site

IDC @lovemyweird
Has anyone found love with this site
IDC @lovemyweird
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xxx @__removed_mango_mochi
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Has anyone found love with this site
xxx @__removed_mango_mochi
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IDC @lovemyweird
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Has anyone found love with this site
IDC @lovemyweird
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weebian @weebian
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Has anyone found love with this site
weebian @weebian
I've been on this site for less than a week.
I looked around for a while and notice that the place is more centered on making friends.
A major difference I notice from other dating sites is that they ask for more information for your profile. As in whats your religion, interests, etc. Tbh I don't think I'll find someone on MaiOtaku, so I'm attempting other ones, while keeping this as a social account.

Torao @paully
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Has anyone found love with this site
Torao @paully
Just be patient~ Love starts with friendship! This site’s not that bad. Lots of teens tho, and creeps, and weirdoes, but most of them are nice~ Otakus gallore here so just chat up with them and you might find the one

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Has anyone found love with this site
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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weebian @weebian
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Has anyone found love with this site
weebian @weebian
Yeah, like John Felix said, conventions are great places.
Meet people face-to-face, and get to know each other better.
Remember, dating sites are just a tool to find someone. There are different ways to finding someone to love, and I guarantee you'll find your own way.

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
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Has anyone found love with this site
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
Not a relationship guru or anything but I feel that a good and lasting relationships starts with a solid basis on friendship at first when you try to form them on the internet. Of course there are cases where a couples form based on the idea of looking for one but a lot of them also fail fast if you rush things.
The danger of creeps, lying people, one night stands and other shenanigans makes me and others wary of certain websites. I believe that a website which vibe is more on the friends level enables a more relaxed and nice feeling for meeting people and possibly someone special. Not saying though that any website is free from those problems when it comes to dating etc.
To me it's good to take it slow, get to know each other in a friend level and see how it develops. If things seem to click then you might find someone truly interesting. Mostly we are not in a rush in life even if society and we feel that way. Rushing things will usually end up in regret, failures and broken hearts.
Courage and decisiveness are important though so that you don't lose someone you are interested in but those are different things than rushing.

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
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Has anyone found love with this site
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
Honestly, take your time. You don't want to rush things. First is friendship, then see if it blossoms into something more. Granted, that's how I am and think.
What MKraft said :3
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