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X @lycanbladefang
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X @lycanbladefang
And the Vietnamese married the Japanese mangaka and they live hapily ever after making shounen manga and moege animes.
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
And then they had conceived a child named Mordred and he had realized that he was the riencarnation of BOB from the earlier post and has come to seek out a girlfriend to prove to his parents that he isn’t gonna be a shut in
. @vezax
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. @vezax
BOB instead kills his father and meets a sphinx who asks him a question 'which is the animal who walks in 4 legs in morning, 2 legs in the evening and 3 legs in the night' he answers 'humans- baby;man;old geezer' sphinx rewards BOB his mom as his wife, eventually that japanese mangaka suicides out of guilt and BOB destroys his eyes out of guilt.. only to meet that sphinx again who asks him a different puzzle 'which is the animal who walks in 2 legs in morning, 4 legs in evening and 3 legs at night?'
Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
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. @vezax
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. @vezax
PULP @alphredo
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PULP @alphredo
And that rodent is now starring in Tom & Jerry anime and spends his time trolling Tom
weebian @weebian
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weebian @weebian
Tom turned out to be Mordred, cuz the sphinx was pretty high on the fumes caused by the samurai's transformation.
. @vezax
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. @vezax
It all finally clicked to BOB!
Bob answers 'that animal is BOB himself.. as i was a human with 2 legs, then i killed my dad(vietnamiese) and married my japanese mom so i became a monster so 4 legs, then i became blind so i had to use a stick to walk thus 3 legs'
Sphinx became happy with this response and reversed time to the point where the veitnamiese was about to meet that japanese mangaka and kills the japanese mangaka to prevent this tragedy of BOB :V
Unfortunately as a result the vietnaiese otaku remained forever alone XD
Cero @cero
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Cero @cero
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Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
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