Making a better MO Community

criimsonfox @criimsonfox
commented on
Making a better MO Community
criimsonfox @criimsonfox
I recently joined. But the site has a few bugs and its slow. I am not sure if the site will grow.

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
commented on
Making a better MO Community
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
I can agree on that. But as a friendly reminder, we all have life to deal with, so they won't be able to respond lightning fast all the time.

Aerone @aerone
commented on
Making a better MO Community
Aerone @aerone
Yep that’s what I mean. I’m sure there are some on here already that just abuse their power but the people who know won’t say anything out of fear of retaliation. I don’t even know who all is a mod on here or how you become one.

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
commented on
Making a better MO Community
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
I mean, I know we can edit our Display Names. So once this that are recognized as a mod can edit their names to have [MOD] in it.
Also, welcome @Criimsonfox :D Sorry for the late welcome. Want a cookie? Rainbow colored.

Aerone @aerone
commented on
Making a better MO Community
Aerone @aerone
Yes, but are they really a mod or not?

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
commented on
Making a better MO Community
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
Yeah, I know it can be abused by those that aren't real. It was just a suggestion that backfired because of that :'(

Aerone @aerone
commented on
Making a better MO Community
Aerone @aerone
It would be nice for everyone to know at least that way when a problem arises or you just have a question you know who to go to.

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
commented on
Making a better MO Community
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
True, very true. Like right now, I have my list set to "Friends Only", but it also shows "Public" as well.
Edit: And I think we're starting to get a wee bit off topic. Sorry ^_^"

Aerone @aerone
commented on
Making a better MO Community
Aerone @aerone
You are fine. Maybe more people will see this and comment.

CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
commented on
Making a better MO Community
CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
@fatalis, good suggestions. Also some attention to forum navigation through tags, more forum sections or a forum search might be helpful to newer members.
@ minijuji One other thing that would be nice is perhaps some of the more resource-like threads (about the discord channels/LINE) could be pinned to the top of the appropriate sections, that way people can find them easier. It is not like the threads that you are talking about don't exist, it is just that they can get hidden very fast depending on which section they are in.
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