Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
I am wondering if Japanese citizens can move to USA. Is this allowed or not?

A @matchesia
commented on
Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
A @matchesia
As far as i'm aware you can.
and if you couldn't the internet would be going on about it.
specifically the anime communities

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
I see. I am hoping someone I know can afford to live in my hometown area. I'm also not sure how much foreign marriage would cost in my area.

Nobody @muffster
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Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
Nobody @muffster
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Lamby @momoichi
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Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
Lamby @momoichi
as long as your complexion is light

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
Lishifu @hakutaku
He bans destitute foreigners from developing countries

Cero @cero
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Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
Cero @cero
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inter_change @inter_change
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Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
inter_change @inter_change
lol why would a Japanese person move to USA. Low crime, clean, organized, high speed rail everywhere, unlimited food and alcohol options. Moves to country with average crime, carry a gun because you have to, hobos take a dump on the subways, store employees can't be bothered to help, price gouged by airlines if you want to travel anywhere. A shock to them but I grew up with it so it's normal to me.

正義の味方 @gundamu
commented on
Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
正義の味方 @gundamu
I mean Japan has it's own issues too that are often glossed over like every single other country. I mean the low crime rate is unsurprising considering how high their conviction rate is. If you're accused of a crime, even if you're not guilty of it there's a very high chance that you will end up in a cell. There's quite a few horror stories of people who ended up being forced to sign confessions of guilt for a crime they didn't commit since the police can detain you for up to 23 days with limited or no access to a lawyer and they're going to get SOMETHING out of you in that timeframe even if they have to force you to confess. Of course there's just also things like the general stigma towards those who commit crimes that plays a factor in the crime rate since you know, people don't want to burden their family and loved ones by shaming them and having them all shunned by society. :u
But yeah, a Japanese person would move overseas for the same reason anyone else would move overseas though. Pursuing economic opportunities, to be with family and/or loved ones who happen to live in the country, educational opportunities (kinda falls under economic opportunities too I guess), hell I've heard of some Japanese just deciding to move to a western country simply because they're tired of the type of atmosphere their society has and admire how open a lot of westerners are on different topics. It really isn't that far-fetched.

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
Did Trump ban foreigners even from Japan?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Sad news? Seriously?
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