"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
neven_cruor @neven_cruor
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
neven_cruor @neven_cruor
Name: Sam
Gender: female
Hair: Black short
Eyes: Pink
High: 1,90 .
Body: sexy
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
Name: Sleepy Sheepy Chan
Gender: female
Hair: Green short
Eyes: Brown
High: 1,80 m
Body: muscular
Aka-san @redhawk
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
Aka-san @redhawk
If ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ever comes back, I feel like she's gonna flip lol
bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
*Drawing was not made by me*
wow ._.
I'll be the weird dude in school, always bringing his "TV Head Gear" to class. Even though he might get bullied, or go to detention. He honestly wouldn't care less. It's who he is, why dis your own personification. Always one mysterious dude, with somewhat of a clear problem. He seems pretty normally calm, collective, and down to earth though. Why would he ever feel the need to wear that ridiculous "TV Head Gear" to school?
Setting be a Comedy/Romance/Drama
I'll be a part of a stupid harem of this one cute girl in school. Which that cute girl would be the main character.
Spoilers, she picked her childhood friend.
I'll just lockup, and never talk to another human being again. The true happy ending!
Notes: Sorry, but at schools I'm usually uncomfortably edgy. Its because I REALLY HATE SCHOOL. Especially it's social aspects!
Name: [Redacted For Privacy Measures]
Gender: male
Hair: Green short
Eyes: Purple
High: 2m
Body: wow ._.
CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
I'd likely look like this, but better quality
In reality it's this:
Name: Zackary Schejbal
Gender: female
Hair: Pink long
Eyes: Blonde
High: 1,90 .
Body: skinny
What the hell?
cupcakerin @cupcakerin
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
cupcakerin @cupcakerin
Name: Rin
Gender: female
Hair: White short
Eyes: Green
High: 1,90 .
Body: wow ._.
Ok sounds like a mighty cute giant
@Audio if you date the other teachers I guess? XD
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
@cupcakerin That's a fake troll imposter account, not the real Audio.
woof-chan @notyourbitch
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
woof-chan @notyourbitch
Name: Maddi-kun
Gender: female
Hair: Blue short
Eyes: White
High: 2m
Body: sexy
damn, ok. ill keep that in mind.
Lemon @lemoncake
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
Lemon @lemoncake
Name: Jason
Gender: male
Hair: Silver long
Eyes: Green
High: 1,60 m
Body: wow ._.
Johannes @yestotally
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"How you'll look in anime" if maiotaku was a high school anime
Johannes @yestotally
Name: Jo
Gender: female
Hair: Pink long
Eyes: Blonde
High: 2m
Body: skinny
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