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Apr 27, 18 at 3:03am
I know it feels weird sharing stuff like that but it can be good sometimes. Just do it on a case-by-case basis. Also know that I won't tell anybody what I read.
@Mariahaise I expected you to say something very harsh. I didn't anticipate you attempting to help Neet. Also ppl who say suicide is for the weak minded and is selfish clearly has no idea how crippling depression can truly be, and even if you experienced depression and doing better it doesn't mean that it'll be the same for everyone else. It's different from person to person, there's not one cure to fix all depression, much like how there isn't one cure to fix all of cancer. Also showing tough love to someone who's depressed or worse suicidal is a REALLY bad move as there is no telling as to how the person may respond. Yes much like the OP I deal with depression and suicidal thoughts because of excessive bullying at school and lots of other horrible things that happened in my life as well as my current situation. Case in point unless you're literally in the shoes of someone who's dealing with depression, it makes you look like a complete ass when you make BS statements like it's selfish or attention seeking or weak minded, you don't know what said people are going through and bear in mind EVERYONE handles things differently. Anyway I said my piece I'm out like Golisopod.
Apr 27, 18 at 4:18am
There is always hope. Like previous posters said, everyone is different and it's just about finding what works for you. There are many ways to treat mental illnesses and a variety of medications too, and sometimes you just have to find the combination that is effective for you. My friend had to try different medications for years. Some made him feel a lot worse but he did find the type that works for him in the end.
Lishifu @hakutaku commented on Suicide
Apr 27, 18 at 4:28am
Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside you is only a reflection of the world inside you.
Apr 27, 18 at 4:30am
I dont think suicide itself is selfish, I just think its a weak thing to do. Finish the fucking game, don't quit early bitches. Me not wanting people to kill themselves is probably selfish on my part. I'd prefer they suffer through their issues and figure out a solution. With help or without help rather than take the way of quick relief. Nothing in life is easy. Now if you think you were born and stuck in an impossible situation and that it will be that way forever then thats stupid. The world is massive. If you are surrounded by shitty people who are making your life shitty. THEN FUCKING LEAVE. Its easy. When I was in school, shit was going very badly. So I left, I packed up my stuff and ditched. Moved all the way from Puerto Rico to Wyoming. I was orphaned for a couple years on my own before I reappeared and moved down to Florida. If your problems are internal, you have to deal with yourself. Thats a different fight but you have to figure out what the root of your problems are. Is it your looks, is it your personality, what is it? Once you find it than actively try to change it. You can do whatever you want in life, even kill yourself. I just think it'd be better if you tried all your options before you were 6 feet in the ground.
Lishifu @hakutaku commented on Suicide
Apr 27, 18 at 4:33am
I hope I could vanish. Everything concerned with this person is deleted from people's memory. Now that I cannot leave this world in this way, I could only enjoy this life.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Lishifu @hakutaku commented on Suicide
Apr 27, 18 at 4:39am
There is a lot of wonderful time to be spent discovering yourself without hoping someone will fall in love with you along the way, and it doesn't need to be painful or empty. You need to fill yourself with love. Not anyone else. Become a whole being on your own. ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Apr 27, 18 at 2:43pm
I've considered it before, but I have a huge fear of death, and the knock-on effect for everyone else in my life makes it not worth it to me. I wouldn't do that to my parents, or Sherflow. Plus there are still things I want to do, like teaching and travelling again.
Apr 27, 18 at 3:43pm
Well the one thing or one aspect about suicide that can be selfish is the way people might go about doing this suicide such as throwing them self in front of a moving vehicle. That kind of suicide ignores how it would affect the person driving the vehicle and could affect them mentally and emotionally for the rest of their life.
Apr 27, 18 at 3:52pm
I have thought about suicide, very often but i have never acted on it. Sadly im too scared about the consequences afterward, all the people it would affect and the aftermath. But i feel if i were to be pushed to the point of commiting suicide i wouldnt care. Im not afraid of dying as long as its painless.
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