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Thank you :) I think 5 actually XD some were from high school Well when I was little, I wanted to be a comedian. But I wasn't funny. I was interested in the performing arts as well, so I kind of got interested in magic tricks from books. Then I met and got to talk with a professional magician at my school. After talking to him I decided I wanted to do it too. And that is how I became a magician :D
Jul 25, 18 at 2:15am
Wow, 5 stalkers that crazy man. How did u survive ? My paranoia would of killed me if I had that many stalkers. Ahhh comedian like a stand up comedian? owo I think ur pretty funny! Ur really good at speaking so maybe u could of. I’ve been into stand up comedy a while ago and it’s pretty hard XD I mean u got the storytelling part already, making jokes is the hard part. Lol I’m grumbling rn But cool thou that you gone this path!
I do not know, thankfully they were not all at once XD I am super paranoid myself! So I understand. I thought about stand up comedy, I just like making people laugh. I do use lots of jokes when I perform, though most of them don't work in text XD Why thank you! It's nothing that some practice can't fix. Jokes come from your life, so I joke about the dumbest stuff that has happened to me lol It's okay! I'm glad I took this path, it is more fun for me :D
Jul 25, 18 at 2:40am
Ahhh I see! Yea most things don’t work in text : / But I’m sure there great jokes lol Maybe I don’t have a life that’s why making jokes is hard : ,D Kind of envy that u got something u love to do as work, must people don’t get that. Plus being a magician seem like a lot of fun. How do u come up with ur new tricks ?
Well I would be happy to share the jokes via my voice anytime XD Aww, don't say that. You have to think a lot about it. Jokes didn't come naturally for me until like 7 years ago. You just have to practice haha. Well, you see. Sometimes doing what you love is hard. It has not been an easy road for me. It has been worth it though. Sometimes when people do what they love, they stop loving what they love, it is always a risky gamble. On the other hand, entertainment is all that I am good for XD I do enjoy it a lot! Well, I had to learn lots of other magic tricks first. I have a really big magic library XD Lots of books and instructional videos! So I learn from that, and then I formulate with my knowledge, what I think would be a good magic trick. There is a lot of trial and error actually XD
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Thanks Teacup XD I found that very funny actually! I did grow up in New York, so I would imagine that some people might think that if they never heard my voice. But of course the human mind is quite amazing when it tries to fill in the blanks
@Whisp bgdfstfkyghjrnjkfviuhjgng I think youve crossed the point of no return for that song XD Guess you just gotta embrace it now :P https://i.pinimg.com/originals/97/63/27/9763275118a9e349e540b939992bb930.gif
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Jul 25, 18 at 6:04am
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