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Dec 17, 18 at 4:29am
Just commenting so I can come back later.
This account has been suspended.
Dec 17, 18 at 4:57am
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0oR61ToLPRm just a 2:55am update
I never ever sleep. 6am here my friend XD @teacup Awesome! Just waiting to see how many more people are interested, I will probably set up sort of discord (not that I know how) so we can discuss all the details of what do.
Dec 17, 18 at 5:04am
a discord for the MO Podcast would be a start :D
The question remains... is it open for everyone or just the people who want to be involved?
Dec 17, 18 at 5:10am
The people who want to be involved
Dec 17, 18 at 5:10am
If new people want to participate in, then they can contact you or other participants.
Dec 17, 18 at 5:10am
I second that, Little Sis makes a good point. If it's an open invitation it will soon just become another MO Discord. I know it may seem like some sort of inclusive club, but I think it's for the best. Plus like Little Sis said, if new people want to participate, then can just ask you or anyone involved.
I agree with that
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