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Would anyone date a much older 1st generation old school otaku?

You have life experience and there's no way you're not intelligent enough to have figured this out. Of course you still have a chance. Why wouldn't you? Unless of course, you're being more specific and looking for much younger than yourself. Nothing inherently wrong with that (Except, they won't be in the same place in life as you, mentally, emotionally or via life experience.), persay... I don't think it's just finding a woman who can also appreciate anime that's the problem, more likely the case is that it's the audience you're going after. Sorry, but as an older guy, it definitely makes things harder for you. Still, you never know until it's over. I nean, you've been on this site for what, a couple years now? Best of luck, just don't come off as creepy (Unfortunate part of being an older guy on a predominantly younger filled site.).
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Of course not! (as in "Is it too late for us?" and it's of course for "Can older otaku have any hope to date and even find love?" - should probably clarify that x_x) You might be 58 but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that and it's never too late for anything! With the sheer amount of life experience you have compared to the vast majority of us on this site, you definitely have a set of your own advantages I'm sure a number of women will appreciate o/ To put that into perspective, I personally wouldn't mind dating girls 10 years older than me (that's probably as far as I'd personally go but some people have no problem with higher) if I think they're special, just like how women would date guys many years older than them. When we're all adults, age really is just a number at the end of the day despite the varying amounts of wisdom and time on Earth which is probably why there are so many couples with huge age gaps and that's certainly the case for some of my friends' parents. So 58 might feel too old to you and it probably is for a number of women out there but believe me, a lot of women find older men very attractive and I'm sure you're a likable guy - so don't worry, keep trying to find and talk to girls in your preferred age range and you're bound to find that someone special soon enough! So don't give up, there's someone out there for you! :D
It doesn't necessarily creep me out, I just don't understand what sort of love could possibly blossom from two people in such different places in their life?
Damn I'm interested in knowing what kind of anime and/or games you're into :O! I love watching the older animes my brother suggests As for the age thing, it aint shit. I've seen some older males get with girls my age and they're perfectly happy. Age doesn't matter. Just depends on the person if its creepy or not.
Lock n' Key hit the nail on the head. But, you never know, stranger things have happened.
Bliss, You made no effort to give advice, you even poked fun by saying " Anyways, fortunately there's still a long way for me to go before I turn 58, despite already being an adult." and then you continued to blather on about your life and your so called excuses. Good job! :)
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