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I don't really come to sites like this

I normally consider sites like this in a pretty negative light as I know what some people are like that enjoy anime, but I thought it would unfair to not try and open my mind to it. So with that out the way I hope you don't view me negatively xD I just want to be honest in my intro, am sure if you're taking the time to read this your someone worth talking to :3 I love anything moe, even though am a 21 year old man, I can't but melt at the site of adorable things, I enjoy kpop though I don't really understand much about the pairing and stuff xD I just like listening to it, TT is my favourite song right now. I like to stream gameplay on twitch or make videos on youtube (not big just for fun). Ilike both types of friendship with meaningless chat about nothing and also serious conversations discussing our beliefs, however if I don't think the same way as you don't be offended I just have a different viewpoint :P I had a pretty crappy childhood which has made me pretty shy, but I can tell you more if we become closer. now tell me about you ^_^
Welcome! And nothing wrong about liking cute things, it just shows that you have good taste. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f4/07/3f/f4073fee9ac2feaa3af6865b6201dd2d.gif
She is so adorable :O and it's nice to meet both of you :)
You're both going to jail., but welcome, enjoy your freedom whilst it lasts.
What she's like 18 ;) Thanks it's nice to meet you, also we must protecc the lolis not lewd them :D
And that's why god refuses to give us irl lolies.
feelsbad Q_Q
Hallo and welcome!
Heyya :) it's nice to meet you Sal
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