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What Men Secretly Want

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I might have to get him nude magazine till it's time of he is the right man and will stick and respect my choice in what I want with my body. If they can't accept it then it would be best for them to date a woman who is ok with sex before marriage. At least i know if I do get a bf who does truly wait and won't cheat with other women due to his hormones than I know he was serious about me and loves me enough to wait. Enki, what does ghost mean?
Apr 03, 18 at 10:10am
Ghost is normally when you just diaappear from a person aka not talk anymore. Like if you and i met online, we started conversing, then all of a sudden i lost interest and didnt respond anymore... and by this, i meant not replying permanently
OH. I thought it meant silently stalking their account. So ghost I have done quite a few times. Four reasons: they complain about the same thing all the time. They stop responding to me. They give short replies that I can't even work with in conversation, or they turn nasty.
No stalking accounts is lurking.
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Apr 03, 18 at 10:09pm
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Apr 03, 18 at 10:30pm
I'll remember the suggestion the next time I'm about to ask for nudes.
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