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Magic The Gathering?

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ok, might try them some other time. Anyone else tried out mtg arena?
Oct 10, 18 at 7:18am
Me but not active anymore
oh lord. this was such a huge part of my childhood, I don't even... MTG and Yugioh wasted so much of my money. XD But yeah, sadly (?) not playing anymore.
well, mtg arena is free to play on pc. go try it out
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@pk That's why there are different types of decks and different formats for all sorts of occasions. Any of the pc games should be a good start for newbies. It's fairly easy to learn and there are plenty of places to ask about rules. So you shouldn't be intimidated by veterans. You could always find a casual group. I have never played on tournaments, but I enjoy edh with my friends.
Apr 08, 20 at 1:52pm
Haven't played in a bit but I roll a black/blue zombie token deck that i've worked on a lot. It's pretty much perfect. Shadows over Innistrad and Eldritch Moon are still my favorites expansions in terms of art and just generally good cards.
Apr 08, 20 at 4:11pm
I'm a beginner. Played some in college briefly. The only free time I had between classes and work was spent with video games and parties. Left very little room for any more than that. Been at it a few months now.
I played a lot of MTG 2013 on my xbox with my friends. I generally ran a blue deck, but I do run a green/white token deck.
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