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Magic The Gathering?

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Oct 24, 20 at 11:07pm
I actually did have Kinnan. He was buried in the half made Ikoria deck I had. I now have so many damn cards I can't keep up with the important ones. X_x
Sooooooo.... the best kind of problem....
Oct 25, 20 at 5:33pm
We had an interesting 2v3 commander match earlier. Strange enough the balance was epic. Team with 2 players won with Vampire/Markov and Angel/Kaalia vs my Vampire/Markov, Fairy/Alela, and some crazy Cat and Dog/Rin and Seri w/Kaheera companion (didn't know you could have a commander AND a companion ((cool)). It was pretty fun.
@VerucAssaultthose are some interesting cards Btw guys do you guys know untap.in? you can play mtg any format including commander there online with friends and it's free! hope wizards doesnt shut it down. All you need to do is paste a list of cards and save your deck and your ready to go. This quarantine we can't play paper magic with friends but with untap.in we can play online. tested a lot of decks, so far I'm liking Winota the best.
Oct 26, 20 at 11:50am
I've been meaning to get on Arena to play but I haven't. I will check this out. @foo_fighter Do you prefer this over Arena and if so, why? I'm spectating a game right now. Looks like a clean interface. It bothered me that the cards were coming up so small on my screen but I saw that when you hover over one it shows an enlarged image of it. Very handy.
It's solid. I've been playing off and on for about a month now.
Oct 27, 20 at 2:06am
untap.io sounds awesome and potentially broken. What stops some guy from putting 4 black lotuses into his deck besides the obvious "no one would play against you"?
Oct 27, 20 at 10:23am
I was just wondering that last night if there were some kind of parameters in place to try and balance out decks.
Oct 28, 20 at 4:42am
I was a yugioh kid tbh. Never got into Magic. Should've. I dont even understand the bullshit in yugioh anymore. The hell are Links?
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