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Forever alone?

Ignorance is bliss. XD "If I don't see it, it doesn't exist."
Cero @cero commented on Forever alone?
Mar 20, 18 at 3:28pm
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Sure, why not.
Well, sometimes the only way to win the game is to not play it at all and there are a few ways of doing this. One is to pause the game and set it down. I personally achieved most of my goals in life which is due to me being a simple person. I feel the only thing that I want is to be with someone and make my own fam. I only have one level left and the content is behind the paywall of another person and their DLC. I have made the choice that after I reach 36 - 40 I'll just end it all. It's all downhill from there anyway and the chances of getting the goals after that and with the same quality are to low. If the quality of life is below the worth of putting in the work then why waste energy and resources, so I choose the efficient option.
Wow thats... depressing.
Mar 20, 18 at 4:15pm
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My big bro didn't find love until after he was 40 and went through a lot of breakups. You shouldn't quit just after a harder age. Shoot, people who are young also has failed moments where everything seems hopeless. Idk if all of us can find love so i won't say we will. If it feels hopeless than play a different game to put your energy in. Having to accept loneliness and move on in our lives is unfortunately part of reality if we choose it. Though i do hope at some point love comes my way and hopefully to the good people who are wanting it too.
Mar 20, 18 at 9:35pm
Yeah I'd never pay for sex. I've remained a virgin this long even when it was offered for free.
Mar 21, 18 at 5:50am
I foresee the fact that nobody here will be alone for ever unless they choose to stay forever alone or they are immature/shitty. Life is neither long nor short, we come across various people..Don't seek perfection..Hey, you yourselves aren't perfect.. In 2017, I didn't know I would join this website and got to know a few awesome people and make some interesting observations..Internet allows us to communicate with people across the world..Moreover, even if you are the least lucky person among us, you don't have to die alone rotting in your houses...I have thought about my remaining years since I was 18...If I could live up to 60 years old and be alone at that point, I could join communities filled with people like me..I'm sure there will be many communities for old women like me...
Mar 21, 18 at 7:47am
I wouldnt call it "Forever Alone" rather "Single in the end" as it is a possible future for everyone not only for singles themselves. Only time can tell how we progress in the future as it already told our past. I wouldn't think so negative towards the future change can always happen.
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