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Forever alone?

Nov 26, 19 at 9:12pm
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Nov 27, 19 at 1:37am
Yeah it sucks being alone and the pain it will come every now and then. I think the key to life is to love yourself and being content being alone. In the end we are technically all alone it that's okay. The world is huge and amazing I think it's a great chance to get out there and do whatever makes you happy and when you find another soul who would like to partake in your journey whether it be for a lifetime or temporary would be enjoyable.
Dec 23, 19 at 2:41pm
It doesn't really bother me anymore. Pretty sure I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life. I got a dog and shes become the love of my life. Put looking for relationships on the back burner this past year and I've honestly been happier since. Was able to focus on my career, get my life mostly together, and gain hobbies that make me happy. I've always had this thought that I needed another person to be happy and I invested so much time looking for someone and only crashed and burned.
Never really cared if im gona be with someone or not to be honest. Never really think im gona get someone but dosent really matter iven for friends dont really have alot of them or barely talk to them so being alone is pretty much my everyday life xd "thank God for games haha"
Dec 23, 19 at 3:12pm
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Hello, hello, that's me! 7 years to go, then I can be a wizard. Jokes aside, being alone sucks.
Still single and virgin at age 27. Life is tough..
Jan 21, 20 at 11:26pm
Know what's great? Life is ALL about choices. Finding someone else who's "lonely" is easy. Finding someone who wants to share thier love? That's the hard part. Having sex is also very, very easy and very overrated. Having a meaningful bond, both physically and emotionally? That's hard. Relationships take equal work and require equal commitment. If you focus on how lonely you are now, you'll miss out on just how fulfilled you could be.
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Jan 21, 20 at 11:29pm
what's scary about it?
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