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MO fan member arting and stories

He's got a point, time to move venues.
Kameiya walks into the forum not expecting a nightmare to greet her upon arrival. "Clown!!!!" She started grabbing chairs and tables and throwing then at the creepy thing in the forum. "Stop! Stop! That's my man!" Mikan came in pleading for the violence against the clown to stop. "Mikan? What the freak?!" "He's harmless. Just wanting some love." She said as she hugged the clown. Kameiya looks at the creepy, cracked face smile and turned away with a shiver. "He looks like he belongs in a horror movie." Kameiya said. "So rude." Mikan muttered as she hugged her lover. "I just remembered. I have something to do that isn't here." Kameiya then ran off without looking back.
Someone write about me having a brutal death by my yandere gf
Shiek: wants gore Thot: wants brutal murder by gf.
Still waiting of you to finish the story from the other night Kameiya.
I will. I have a 4 am shift tomorrow so bed time right now. I still need to reveal Mikan ' s motive for her act. Midas is still half dead. Sakura, zweffiel, panda, cheeto, and taiyou still has two remaining battles.
"Looks like we have one last obstacle. Are you ready to face the grim reaper daughter?" Zweffiel asked. "I better be, or else this city is doomed." Sakura said as they open the door to the last floor. The two walked into the circular room and stopped dead. In the middle of the floor Mikan stood with an orb of swirling blue and black fog with the collapsed body of midas by her feet, but what caught their attention the most was his soul floating over his unconscious body with a string of his soul still attached to his body. "You made it faster than expected. My servants failed quite miserably." Mikan said as she looked at the two first arrivals. "Don't tell me we have another ghost." Zweffiel said as he pointed at midas. "Not quite. It's more like his soul is detached from his living body but is still connected since death hasn't claimed him. Unfortunately a reaper can't kill unless it's their time. It's a nuisance of a rule we must follow." Mikan said with a disappointmented sigh.
"But why did you detached this man's soul?" Sakura asked. "That's right. You don't know the terrible truth about this guy." Mikan said as she stepped on his body, "this man is the one who controlled the people of this city with his strings." Mikan explained. "He controlled us?" Zweffiel said in disbelief. "Yes. Every action the poor souls acted upon. Just like your shooting of ulfric." "I did that. Ulfric was no good for my sakura!"Zweffiel snapped. "That's how your mind justified your gruesome action. Humans are so close minded that when an unexplained action is taken that can't be explained logically they start making up a logical reason for it. Midas pulling your strings of your shooting would not have been on your mind. Especially since you knew nothing about it." Mikan said with a sneer, "but now I am the one in control. I can make the people of this city do good things with the power of this orb. I won't be like midas and do this purely out of amusement." "But that is the same as midas. You are still manipulating them." Sakura said. "Wrong! I will make the people of this city do good. Stop all these tainted actions and make a better place for human kind!" Mikan argued. "You're stealing their free will away!" Zweffiel argued back.
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