Slut shaming
Lamby @momoichi
Slut shaming
Lamby @momoichi
right now on 4chan another girls being doxxed because someone found her nudes
everyones calling her a 'whore' and saying she deserves it because of that
like, why are they doing this? is it just because theyr virgin neckbeards?
how do nudes=slutty?
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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Slut shaming
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
because its 4chan, has anything good actually come from there?
Aka-san @redhawk
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Slut shaming
Aka-san @redhawk
it's *the Internet* what'd you expect?
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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Slut shaming
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
Also its probably a virgin neck beard thing.
Its kind of like 4chan picks a target and harasses them for a time before moving on to the next target. They don't really care, they're just sadistic no lifers that get enjoyment out of hurting other people.
shinu @shinu
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Slut shaming
shinu @shinu
I think bad choices should be criticized, but it doesn't mean you should hunt people down or harass them. That said, in this day and age it's fairly normal to send nudes, and often they're made by those with the purest of emotions. People can take that purity and build trust, and what people can do with that trust is absolutely terrifying. If all she did is have nudes exist, then I just feel sorry that someone turned on her to expose them.
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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Slut shaming
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
Yeah, but the way Lamby explained it sounds like they weren't willingly given to the person who ousted her for the pictures. It seems more like the person was searching around recognized the user and got a group of people together to harass her.
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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Slut shaming
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
I just spent 5 minutes in 4chan and i think i have cancer now.
Lamby @momoichi
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Slut shaming
Lamby @momoichi
lol your thinking of /b/ some of 4chan is grossly wholesome
and that doesnt fucking excuse it.....
people on /b/ are the same people who are on this site or on reddit
are really going to justify this by "what do you expect" ????
Aka-san @redhawk
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Slut shaming
Aka-san @redhawk
Well I've never been on 4chan so sorry if I triggered you cause I didn't know.
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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Slut shaming
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
Not justifying it. Just doesn't surprise me to hear about something like this coming from a section of 4chan. Obviously there should be some sort of retaliation against the ones who are harassing her, regardless of the reasons why. I just can't fathom why people do stuff like that. They might be saying thats its because they found nudes of her and are doxxiing her for being a slut, but honestly i doubt they really care about that. They just use the pictures as an excuse to do what they do.
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