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Ok girls <3 Pretend you want a boyfriend, ask me some questions to see if we are compatible <3

http://cdn.chud.com/3/3c/900x900px-LL-3cf9c163_tumblr_mhk7icLNB91qjlg3lo1_500.gif Lol
the picture of you holding a piece of paper saying who you are is basically a timestamp since it directly shows us you really are who are. what are the chances of someone else using the name brendan on maiotaku posting a picture saying they are who they say they are on a specific website? pretty much 0.
Okokok what should i send for proof. One guy mentioned a pinky near the ear
Lol I got my eyes on you https://pa1.narvii.com/6561/a2a1ec57e60579da7d8f254cc358a58380281b7f_hq.gif
Im leaving you charles... for KING MIDAS Midas beleives in my old kenyan ass
All hail His Grace, Lord Midas, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm
....what the freak? I think I'll leave you guys to your bro love. *slowly backs out*
Noooo kameiya! Come baaaack! It was 1 time! It meant almost nothing to me!
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