Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)

timcat4 @timcat4
Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
timcat4 @timcat4
Ill start with my favorite Opening is Guilty Crown Opening 1 (My Dearest - Supercell) and favorite ending is Black Bullet (Tokohana - Yanagi Nagi)

Panda @mrpanduhhh
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Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
Panda @mrpanduhhh
hmmmmm for me its Fullmetal Alchemist END 1 (Nana Kitade - Kesenai Tsumi), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann-Sorairo Day opening, Death Note Ending 2 (Maximum the Hormone- Zetsubou Billy), The Trigun opening. I have so much but those are the ones I can think right now haha

ventusgamer @ventusgamer
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Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
ventusgamer @ventusgamer
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Opening 4 "88" by LM.C
Mob Psycho 100 ending "Refrain Boy

hikaru684 @hikaru684
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Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
hikaru684 @hikaru684
Full Metal Panic Fumoffu Opening-Sore ga, ai deshou! and for endings I would go with Every Heart Op 4 from Inuyasha.

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
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Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
Orphan's revenge opening 1
Death note ending 2

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
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Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
My favorite opening is probably Unravel from Tokyo Ghoul season 1, there's so many good openings but that would be mine if I had to choose. As for my favorite ending song, it would probably be the ending for FLCL, "Ride On Shooting Star" by The Pillows.

kari ♡ @nortics
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Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
kari ♡ @nortics
Favorite anime opening: boku no hero academia s2 op1
Favorite anime ending: trickster ending 2

John Doe @paeddingtn
commented on
Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
John Doe @paeddingtn
Barakamon opening
Shinsekai Yori ending 1
honorable mentions for the ending of hellsing (Mr. Big, Shine ;)

Blank @sweetdeath
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Favorite anime opening and ending (doesnt have to be the same anime)
Blank @sweetdeath
Kuzu no honkai
Mirai Nikki
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