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Civil War Is Coming

Oct 06, 17 at 8:57am
? I am calm Lamby. I don't need to be enraged to prove Commies wrong, all it takes is a little logic.
Oct 06, 17 at 8:58am
how i see it is the problem started with femnazi's and far left liberals kind of like when hippies sparked up, it bred an even farther right extremes breed extremes the problem stems from when we generalize a group people to be that extreme, as the media and humans in general love to exaggerate the outrageous and extremes which leads to the left viewing the right as greedy hate mongering gun toting bigots and the right viewing the left as bleeding heart idiot children who love to wear skirts and want dogs to marry hamsters (idk the stereotypes for left very well clearly xD) because of this the divide between the two parties has only grown so maybe instead of fear mongering and blaming eachother we should come together and try and work things out the left and right coming together to try and create a middle ground again or we can just keep this thread going, no one wanting to come together or learn and just keep the hate breeding >w> https://i.imgur.com/N21a05B.gif
Oct 06, 17 at 8:59am
look how you responded to me and youll see you were jumping to rude conclusions very quickly xD its fine to get mad, politics are a very heated topic and iv gone off the handle much more times than id like to admit >w> just means your passionate about what you believe in, no shame
Oct 06, 17 at 9:00am
Except Conservatives have done nothing except compromise with the left for decades. And look where we are. You really should look into Reagans immigration "compromise" with the left. The left doesn't like to compromise because they assume they have moral superiority and you should just listen.
Oct 06, 17 at 9:03am
Did you realize that the party of slavery were the Democrats? Have you noticed the lefts rush to bring in more unskilled immigrant labor so they can pay workers pennies on the dollar? All this influx of illegal immigration is, is a way for them to get back their slaves we took away so long ago. Edit: And even back then it was a small minority that owned slaves. The left has gone through so much brainwashing it's not even funny.
Oct 06, 17 at 9:05am
do you realize that democrats and republicans switched values so it was still republicans..... clearly you dont want to have a civil debate so ill see myself out and let palpatine in *goes back to staring at my profile picture and hifumis perfection* https://media.tenor.com/images/f41d9486f5d01fb744c061bfaacf2c6c/tenor.gif
Oct 06, 17 at 9:17am
No, no they didn't. That's a meme and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. Go look into the parties. The only "big switch" was a COLOR swap in the Bush V Gore election. Ideologies change over time yes, but there wasn't a full ideological switch.
Oct 06, 17 at 9:21am
oh yes it clearly a meme >w> such funny much wow >w> hey, i may be wrong, and ill be open to that link a nonbias clear article and ill say i was wrong, as i am pretty confused on that topic personally not that what a party did along time ago defines it to this day america was not the same country back then as it is now
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