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Civil War Is Coming

Oct 06, 17 at 7:44am
as a moderator i recommend you guys stay on topic and not change the subject to gender identity and your personal views on it stay on track gud and leave fox alone
I will assure you I read every Single Post by you before writing that. You took it to far you turned it into straight bashing.
@Lamby, as my first post was meant to illustrate this isn't a Real Topic this is Fearmongering meant to Anger and Cause Argument.
Oct 06, 17 at 7:49am
I wouldn't say I did overstep considering the severe misinformation he's trying to slide past people. Then turning around and trying to get those who dare disagree banned/reported.
I never said She didn't overstep aswell you just did it to a far worse degree.
Oct 06, 17 at 7:51am
It's really not fearmongering. Though it's fine if you feel that way. My end game is I want trans to get actual help. Instead of letting doctors scam them with thousands of dollars in permanent changes, which many wind up regretting because it wasn't what their propaganda taught them it'd be like.
Oct 06, 17 at 7:53am
Yet trans supporters always default to painting dissenters as mean, angry and fearful. This is simply not true, I wish no harm to Fox. Only that he'd open his mind and get healthier.
Oct 06, 17 at 7:55am
i agree brass, this whole thing is quite ridiculous and idk how an anime dating site is where it should take place.... (plus im still 50/50 over whether this is a troll or not) @gud, trans people have to go see a therapist before going through the surgery, so that IS taken care of over all if you guys wanna keep debating trans rights or respects (no idea >w>) theres a thread on this, or you can take it to the dms, which i recommend aslong as your both willing to open your opinions and want to learn from eachother so, lets get back to this possible trol thread being taken seriously >w>
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Do you know the base requirement almost everywhere is for Trans People to get said "help" before they can even start HRT?
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