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Civil War Is Coming

If things calm down, there is no reason for the thread to be closed. If things continue, however, I'll escalate it to Seph to see if he wishes to do such. In the interim, just ignore the posts for now. If you wish to comment on other things in the thread, thats cool, but just let this subject go. IF it continues, report it. I'll keep an eye on how things go.
i had already stopped but okay. not like a warning has any meaning to me since i barely use this site to begin with anyway
Oct 06, 17 at 12:20am
Why would she just assume she'd get on here and be called "he" despite referring to herself as female, having a female profile pic, and having female in her profile? That's not deliberate. And someone should be allowed to read threads in what's supposed to be a "friendly and safe" site without being called something that they request they not be called. I get that's a very loose descriptor and this site surely isn't always friendly and safe, but it's the sites words and how they wish to run it. If you don't care about what you're saying negatively affecting others, then say it on another site that doesn't have that in its policy. You have free speech, but you're ignoring rules and others for the reasoning of not caring and disagreeing with by the book definitions. @#BROKEN hiatus Saw this late. Sorry
How often you log in or use the site has no baring on your ignorant remarks made. End of discussion.
Oct 06, 17 at 12:23am
Meh, as someone who fails to properly communicate in the real world, I look to let open my thoughts when I'm online. Maybe your circumstances are different, but I hope you think about it a little.
Oct 06, 17 at 12:24am
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Oct 06, 17 at 12:53am
If California ever votes to secede, and the government doesn't let them... well maybe then we'll end up in a Civil War.
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