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Civil War Is Coming

Oct 05, 17 at 11:32pm
Do I sense some animosity there? Damn snipers... That was fir gudmor Also, Kawai, don't turn what I said into an attack on he/r. Y'all implies everyone involved and maybe even me. ;P
technically this is one of the subjects that causes a divide in the US. so technically its not offtopic also who gives a shit if you reported us? grow a spine >yass: im just saying bro
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Oct 05, 17 at 11:38pm
Technically this was not the point of the thread. Also, who reported who? I'm just putting more pennies on these train tracks. Edit: D-did you just assume that I'm your "bro"?
it became the point of the thread, and who knows maybe a civil war could be triggered because of the topic at hand >D-did you just assume I'm your "bro"? yes i did, dont taze me bro
Oct 05, 17 at 11:43pm
Civil war on "gender" acknowledgement that involves those in other countries? That'd make for the least civil of any civil war. I ain't your bro, but I might just like a good tazing. ;)
what can i say, people get passionate about things for better or worse
Oct 05, 17 at 11:50pm
Not sure where I broadened anything. Repeatedly calling someone something they've specifically asked you to stop calling them is obnoxious. And there is a definition for gender, didn't broaden that either. If you still can't bring yourself to stop calling Fox "he" then just don't bother saying a pronoun if you truly don't care.
i call em as i see em and going out of my way to not say a pronoun would show i care at this point ;(
Oct 06, 17 at 12:00am
Just saying, common sense isn't exactly reliable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeyDf4ooPdo As humans we are inherently flawed. Visual information. Audio information. Ideas. Words. You name it, we screw up at it, and there ends up being some other animal in this world that does it better than we do. Every single day there are billions of people misinterpreting someones ideas in the world. Whether they see something on the news and interpret it incorrectly, or they are discussing something with someone and miss the point. It happens countless times in so many people's lives, and it probably happens just as often in yours. We NEED data in order to come to correct conclusions. When you leave it to your human intuition, then all we can hope is that you get lucky. Yet since we are fallible and we are conducting the methods to produce sets of data, they are also inherently flawed. It is up to us to second guess ourselves at every step of the way. I think I have the biggest ego of everyone here. I think I have the biggest ego of anyone I've met. That comes not from me believing that I don't make mistakes, but believing that I am recognizing my mistakes and building on them with internal corrections. The number one person in this world that I doubt is myself, and I think most people in this world could stand to improve themselves just by realizing that at any given moment they could be making a mistake.
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