Persona/shin games
hazydayz @hazydayz
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Persona/shin games
hazydayz @hazydayz
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VeZeal @axlex
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Persona/shin games
VeZeal @axlex
I dunno, I liked 5 better than 4. The setting's way better than Inaba, the characters are arguably better (although can't seem to keep quiet about "THE PHANTOM THIEVES!!!!!") and it had an amazing twist near the end.
But good god does P5 railroad you to follow what the plot wants instead of letting you have your free time. What's that, you want to do something tonight, you clearly must be tired! The confidant/social links for 5 felt a lot more engaging on the other hand, and way more people to see at night.
Long story short, each game has something that makes it unique from the other games. Keep an open mind.
VeZeal @axlex
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Persona/shin games
VeZeal @axlex
3 was my first game and I might be a bit biased towards that, but even I can see that 5 had plenty of strong points that 4 was lacking or that 5 did better.
hazydayz @hazydayz
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Persona/shin games
hazydayz @hazydayz
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VeZeal @axlex
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Persona/shin games
VeZeal @axlex
I felt Ann had more personality than Yukiko at least.
kakashe @kakashe
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Persona/shin games
kakashe @kakashe
Futaba was my fav
hazydayz @hazydayz
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Persona/shin games
hazydayz @hazydayz
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kakashe @kakashe
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Persona/shin games
kakashe @kakashe
Ann wasnt the best but i liked her
VeZeal @axlex
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Persona/shin games
VeZeal @axlex
I hated Akechi. Ann was alright. Futaba was great. Makoto was the best. The only other person I didn't like was Ryuji.
Makoto, Yusuke and Futaba were probably my favorites.
kakashe @kakashe
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Persona/shin games
kakashe @kakashe
I loved ryugi he was there with me from the start and akechi was great in my opinion
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