Mental Health

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Mental Health
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
Poetry and music makes you feel comfortably numb!

Lamby @momoichi
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Mental Health
Lamby @momoichi
a task that involves the hands and no thinking helps with anxiety :3
it lets your mind go blank as you focus on something with your hands, like crocheting or knitting :3

gcons24 @gcons24
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Mental Health
gcons24 @gcons24
Obviously exercise is good too, natural endorphins are always a plus.
And doing meth, meth is always good (totally kidding)

xueli @xueli
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Mental Health
xueli @xueli
Some forms of meth are good, depending on the circumstances lol :p

Baka @reinhardt76
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Mental Health
Baka @reinhardt76
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Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Mental Health
Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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eva71uj @eva71uj
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Mental Health
eva71uj @eva71uj
I've had severe anxiety my entire childhood,but recently I've been diagnosed with panic and borderline personality disorders. Luckily,I found help at the last minute,and I m currently in treatment. Things that help me the most are collecting stamps,gardening and coffee. Sports only make me nervous and angry. I used to do some really bad things to make myself "feel okay",but after therapy,I'm starting to get better and socialize more.

Filip @filip
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Mental Health
Filip @filip
All that usual shit. Learned to cope with it through therapy, but I'm still very uncomfortable when talking about anything bad in my life, or just opening up too much, start sweating and getting pretty close to an emotional breakdown, or a panic attack, those are never fun.

gcons24 @gcons24
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Mental Health
gcons24 @gcons24
Well its impressive you are even able to mention it on here then if it makes you uncomfortable! talking about it is a good first step, it helps air things out.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Mental Health
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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