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Could you drop everything to move to where your long distance boy/girlfriend is?

Maybe, if I'd already met them a few times offline, and I felt that I could have better life opportunities there as well.
I'd definitely consider moving and I do eventually would like to move elsewhere. But first thing is first, I'd definitely need to be in a position where I could be stable in terms of necesities (home and job and the sort). If I could be sure that I would be able to actually make a living there, sure.
Yes. I've done long distance relationship too and they suck. It's one thing if the distance is only short term. But if it's long term... if they are worth dating in the first place, then they are worth moving to be near.
Possibly. Though living rates here are cheaper to my knowledge.
I almost did but they couldn't handle it and worried too much about me. They admitted later that they were worrying for themselves and for me and ruined it because of it. Now I'm not sure I'm willing to go that far for a person.
They can drop everything and move to me? I dont have the luxary of dropping everything for a girl (nor do i want to). But would gladly make it so they can come stay with me
It all depends on where they live, but if they are from another country... No.
If I really, truly cared about her and I feel we're perfect for each other then I'd definitely take the leap - it might mean I'd have to learn a new language which would take an eternity and all kinds of other things to sort out but I feel it would be worth it.
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